James I Flashcards
King James I reigned from what Years

1603 - 1625 (22 Years)
What year was king James born

What Year was King James crowned King of Scotland

Who were King James Parents

Mary Queen of Scots and Henry Stuart Lord Darnley

What was James I claim to the throne of England

Great Great Grandson of Henry VII through Margerate (sister of Henry VIII)
What forced James to avoid the elaborate public events celebrating his accesion

The risk of Plague
Who in 1603 was dismissed as Captain of the Guard and later imprisoned in the tower
Sir Walter Raleigh

Why was Walter Raleigh imprisoned

Conspiracy to replace James with his Catholic Cousin Arabella Stuart
What Plot was discovered in 1603
Bye Plot
What was the Bye Plot
1603 - a conspiracy, by Catholic priests and Puritans aimed at tolerance for their respective denominations, and to kidknap James I
Who surrendered in 1603 ending a war with whom
Hugh O’Neil ending the war with Ireland

What did Parliament debate in 1603
England, Wales and Scotland should become unified (there is little enthusiasm)

The Treaty of London in 1604 ended what
Hostilities with Spain
What was the union that accompanied the Treaty of London in 1604
Prince Henry was engaged to the Spanish Infanta Anna daughter of Philip III

what was summoned in 1604 to review the Church of England
The Hampton Court Conference

What was the outcome of the Hampton Court Conference of 1604

The Elizabethan Settlement was retained Existing anti Catholic laws were kept in force

What title was given to Robert Cecil in 1605

Earl of Salisbury

Who led the consipiritors to blow up parliament

Robert Catesby and Thomas Percy

Where was Guy Fawkes from


Who derailed the plot of 1605

Francis Chesham
Why did Francis Chesham warn Lord Monteagle
he realized that a number of his Catholic friends would be killed
what did Francis Bacon write in 1605

The Advancement of Learning (an attempt to promote experimentation in science)

What was imposed on Catholics in 1606
Recussancy Laws and a new Oath of Allegiance
What expedition set out in 1606

To cross the Atlantic and re-establish the colony of Virginia

What Play was written in 1606

What Favorite of King James I was knighted in 1607

Robert Carr

What Settlement was established in 1607 (Englands first permanent settlement)

Jamestown in Virginia
How did James strengthen English rule in Ireland

commissioners were appointed to oversee the Plantation of Ulster with English Settlers

What did Salisbury endeavor to do in 1610

Persuade Parliament to accept a “Great Charter”

What was Salisbury’s Great Charter

Designed to ease the Kings financial difficulties with a grant of regular subsidies

Did Parliament accept Salisbury’s Great charter


Why was Arabella Stuart imprisoned in 1610

For marrying the Earl of Hertford another claimant to the throne

Parliament was disolved in feb 1611, with a brief exception in 1614, James I ruled without Parliament until when
The Authorized Bible was published in what year
How many scholars and how many years did it take to complete the Authorized bible
54 scholars, after 4 years work
The last of what happened in 1612
two extreme protesants ecame thelast heretics to be burned at the stake
What did James I decide to do followig the death of Salisbury
Elcted to become his own secretary of state
who died in 1612
12 year old Prince Henry dies (Charles becomes heir apparent)
What scandel was created in 1613
When the countess of Essex sued for divorce to marry Sir Robert Carr (The King intervenes on her behalf)
Who was married in 1613
James daughter Elizabeth marries Frederick the Elector Paletine of the Rhine
How did James I daughter Elizabeth marrying Frederick elector Paletine of the Rhine dash the hopes of conservatives
They were anxious to see a Spanish match
How were Spanish relations improved in 1613
James I friendship with the new Spanish ambassador
What was the Parliament called by James I in 1614 in the hopes of raising badly needed taxes but was quickly dissolved
Addled Parliament
Who succeeded Northampton as Lord Treasurer after his death in 1614
Earl of Suffolk
What negotiations began in 1614
for a marriage between Charles and a Spanish princess
Why was Somerset (Robert Carr) and his wife arrested in 1615
On suspicion of murdering Sir Thomas Overbury
What did the Spaish demand as part of the Negotiations of he marriage between Charles and the Infanta
Any Children born to the couple are raised Catholics (James I persists with he marraige)
What was the verdict of the Overbury murder by the Somerset in 1616
Found guilty but spared the death penalty
Who was released from the tower in 1616
Sir Walter Raleigh (To prepare an expedition to Guinea)
Who died in 1616
How did Raleigh create a crisis in 1618
By attacking a Spanish settlement in Guinea creating a crisis in Anglo-Spanish relations (He was later imprissoned and exected)
Who was appointed Lord Chancellor in 1618
Francis Bacon
What War commenced in 1618
Thirty Years War
the 30 years war commenced after what
after Bohemians rejected their king-elect Emperor Ferdinand II in favour of Frederick of the Rhine
what relation was Frederick of the Rhine to James I
Son in Law
What were suspended in 1618 after the Thirty Years War commenced
negotiations with Spain
Who died in 1619
James Queen Anne of Denmark (The Kings finanicial problems are so astute that her embalmed body lies in state for 10 weeks before sufficient fuds can be found for her funeral)
Inigo Jones began work on what in 1619
Banqueting House at Whitehall
in 1620 James I entered into a treaty with whom? and agreeing to what
Spain, agreeing to the marriage of Prince Charles to the Infanta
What happened to Prince Frederick of the Rhine in 1620
He was driven out of Bohemia following the Battle of the White Mountain