Jacoby 2NT Flashcards
Pard opens 1S.
What do you bid to show a simple raise
with 3+ trumps and 6-10 points?
Pard opens 1S.
What do you bid
to show 4+ trumps and 10-12 points?
Pard opens 1S.
What do you bid
to show 3 trumps and 10-12 points?
Bid another suit
and then jump to 3S.
Pard opens 1S.
What do you bid
to show pre-emptive raise with 5+ trumps,
no more than 7 HCP, and usually a void or singleton?
Pard opens 1S.
What do you bid
to show 4 trumps and 13+ points?
In response to 2NT, what does Opener’s bid
of a new suit at 3-level show?
Singleton or void in that suit.
Re-evaluate your hand for “wasted values”
S: A Q 9 7 S: K J T 6 3
H: 8 6 3 H: A 9 2
D: K Q J 5 D: 9
C: K J D: A 9 7 3
8-6-4-2 or A-5-3 in short suit are not wasted values.
K-Q-J-5 in W hand are wasted values. We would rather the K-Q-J were in a suit we are not planning to ruff where they might take tricks on their own.
In response to 2NT, what does Opener’s bid
of a new suit at the 4-level show?
5-card suit with at least 2 of the top 3 honors.
(Opener had 2 strong 5-card suits)
In response to 2NT, what does Opener’s bid
of 4 of the agreed major show?
Minimum opening hand with no shortness.
Therefore, no slam interest.
In response to 2NT,
what does Opener’s bid of 3NT show?
15-18 points with no shortness
(some slam interest due to extra strength)
In response to 2NT, what does Opener’s bid
of 3 of the agreed major show?
Maximum hand (18-21 pts) with no shortness
(strong slam interest due to extra strength)