Izpit Flashcards
azil (She was granted asylum after it was made clear that she would be killed if she returned to her native country.)
Prisila (a promise obtained by coercion is never binding)
Debt Bondage
Dolžniška obveznica
Razseljeni (The war has displaced thousands of people.)
Human Trafficking
Trgovina z ljudmi (At least one in five of the over 33,000 homeless youth in the City have been victims of human trafficking.)
Involuntary Servitude
Neprostovoljna služnost (These practices indicate that these girls are subjected to involuntary servitude.)
Marginalizirati (We aim to ensure that marginalised views and voices are heard.)
Migrant Labour
Priseljensko delo (People from these ethnic groups came as migrants labour workers.)
Begunec (The issue is ultimately about the integrity of the refugee program.)
Amotivacijski (Because dopamine plays a large role in motivation, the research suggests that long-term cannabis use may cause amotivational syndrome.)
drug abuse
Zloraba drog (The soccer star has regularly been the headlines for drug abuse.)
drug addiction
Zasvojenost z mamili (The most alarming figures for juvenile delinquency are those for drug addiction.)
drug misuse
Zloraba drog (Drug misuse and abuse caused about 2.5 million emergency department ( ED ) visits in 2011.)
drug synergy
Sinergija zdravil/drog (Drug synergy can occur both in biological activity and because of pharmacokinetics.)
gateway drug
Prehodno zdravilo/droga (Alcohol and tobacco are what we refer to as gateway drugs.)
Halucinacije (In addition, the mother may have hallucinations or be delusional.)
lethal dose
Smrtni odmerek (The lowest lethal dose for a child is 143 mg / kg)
Mamila (I am a serious source in the fight against narcotics trafficking,)
Zloraba (Physical abuse is often part of his domination over a woman.)
elder abuse
Zloraba starejših (In 2002, WHO brought international attention to the issue of elder abuse.)
interpersonal violence
Medosebno nasilje (Earlier studies established the links between interpersonal violence and animal cruelty.)
multiple trauma
Večkratna travma (He was listed in critical condition at Bellevue Hospital with multiple trauma and broken bones.)
precipitating factors
Sprožilni dejavnik (Poor oral hygiene or trauma are usually precipitating factors.)
predisposing factors
Predispozicijski dejavniki (Predisposing factors can be characteristics such as race, age, and health beliefs)
risk factors
Dejavniki tveganja (Poverty and lack of political and social stability also are risk factors.)
Zadrega (He’s not going to embarrass the president )
flaming and trolling
Žaljenje preko sporočil (He was trolling…)
Snemanje napada (For about five years beginning in 2004, happy slapping became a UK fad.)
Nadlegovati (Meaney used to stop cars on Commonwealth Avenue and harass people.)
Ogoljufati, preganjati (uch hazing drove other women out very early in their careers)
identity theft/impersonation
kraja / lažno predstavljanje identitete
Zloraba (We need to adress child abuse more thoroughly.)
razporeditev (Allocation of the grants was handled by a charity that provides support and advocacy for disabled children.)
Anomije (In “Suicide”, Durkheim developed the concept of anomie to refer to the social rather than individual causes of suicide.)
Zagrizenost (when religious people show bigotry and intolerance, they are in fact betraying the religion they uphold)
Popis prebivalstva (As required by the Constitution, the census of the population of the United States takes place every 10 years.)
Izčrpavajoče (Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.)
Spor (They have been unable to resolve the dispute over working conditions.)
Pravičnost (“The goal of equity is to achieve a high-quality education for all students, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disabilities, or special needs. Studies show widespread inequities in financial support, classroom expectations, texts and technological resources, and quality of teaching, especially in inner cities and among poor populations. Because needs are greater in some situations than others, equal treatment is not necessarily equitable.”)
Formativen/oblikovalen (Formative years is the period when a child’s character develops.)
Neroden/čuden (His loud talking at the opera marked him as gauche and uncultured)
Brezizrazen/Skrivnosten (he told us nothing and maintained her inscrutable smile.)
Krvno sorodstvo (Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship)
Etiketa (Attaching a label on someone can cause tremendous harm and lower their self-esteem.)
Pismenost (ar more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.)
Trpinčenje (They complained about the physical and psychological maltreatment of prisoners.)
Zorpn/Ostuden (When she’s in a bad mood she’s obnoxious to everyone)
Odpor (They finally agreed to our terms with a certain reluctance)
Pomanjkanje (here is a great scarcity of food in the drought-stricken areas.)
to omit
Izpustiti/Izključiti (Our apologies to David for omitting his name from last week’s article.)
Neodtuljiv (he right to survival has to be the first on any list of inalienable rights for every human being.)
Prepir (And then more gang members came in and the altercation continued.)
to confound
Zmesti (The Cuban designer Manolo presented a collection to confound the sociologists.)
to gauge
Meriti (obsojati) (Probably not, but it’s getting tougher to gauge.)
Obtožnica (The federal indictment contends incidents occurred from 1991 to March 1994.)
Pravni/Sodni spor (You can get the votes and you can win the litigation,)
no-knock warrant
Nalog brez trkanja (n the affidavit police used to obtain a search warrant for Johnston’s house, Atlanta narcotics officers alleged their informant bought drugs inside Johnston’s home earlier in the day from a man named “ Sam “, and that the home had video surveillance equipment justifying the no knock warrant.)
to refute
Ovreči (Whatever these studies claim always seem to be refuted sometime later.)
to recant
Umakniti se (Still, despite all the navel gazing, he ultimately recants.)
Sodba (The verdicts leave open the question of exactly why Young died.)
wanton endangerment
Nerazumno ogrožanje (A person is guilty of wanton endangerment in the first degree when, under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life, he wantonly engages in conduct which creates a substantial danger of death or serious physical injury to another person,”)
Obilje (Olympic sprinters have an abundance of fast-twitch muscle fiber.)
Označba (The appellation is Napa Valley and the price is $ 13.)
benefit claim
Zahtevek za ugodnost ( In Texas, 1, 200 have applied for unemployment benefit claims.)
Lahko ( This argument is somewhat valid, but a bit too facile.)
Nagibati se, odmakniti se, pustiti koga na cedilu(The text should lurch in the opposite direction of the nudge.)
Pokroviteljski(Misliš da si boljši od drugih) (Morse’s appearance of being patronising might have been misleading.)
Nebrizdano (Unbridled violence cannot be allowed to deprive women of their rights.)
Ustrahovati (And her intelligence and forthrightness are more than a little intimidating.)
Maščevanje (His remarks suggested that the Serbs have escaped retaliation this time.)
rumour spreading
Širjenje govoric
Groziti (Multimillionaire athletes threaten to go on strike, demanding more benefits.)
Dostopnost (It was a democracy that prided itself on openness and accessibility)
Na prebivalca (The average residential water use was 248 litres per capita per day.)
To be assigned
Biri dodeljeno (I would prefer not to be assigned to a First World embassy.)
Razvpitost , zloglasnost (In the notoriety that followed, Dowd left his law firm.)
Media contagion
Medijska okužba (“Media Contagion” Is Factor in Mass Shootings, Study Says)
Širjenje (With the proliferation of computers and databases, that has changed.)
Copycat phenomenon
Pojav kopiranja/imitiranja/posnemanje (And we do know that when adolescent suicides are publicized or glorified by getting a lot of attention, there’s a copycat phenomenon.)
Grozota (He was responsible for numerous atrocities, especially against Chinese immigrants.)
Prepovedano (All medications are outlawed on race day in New York state.)
To endorse
Potrditi (The Senate is expected to endorse the China trade bill soon.)
Concealed weapon
Skrito orožje (She also votes to allow citizens to carry concealed weapons on them.)
To be adept at
Biti spreten v (Many companies have become adept at the art of customer relationship management.)
Pehotec (He was a teen-age infantryman in the 101st Airborne.)
Illusory truth effect
Iluzirana resnica (Narrated by the aptly named Vera Cartwheel, who indulges in nonstop verbal and mental gymnastics during a 948-page bus ride from coastal New England to the heartland of America _ and the interior of the author’s mind _ it describes the narrator’s largely imaginary quest for the illusory truth about her childhood nursemaid, Miss MacIntosh, who is bald, single-breasted and may or may not have drowned when Miss Cartwheel was 14 years old.)
Dovolj/zadosten (Chandler said working with leather gives him ample opportunity to think.)
Random sample
Naključni vzorec (Around Thanksgiving 1994, investigators selected a small random sample and started calling.)
Domestic violence
Nasilje v družini (No one has to lecture me on what domestic violence is.)
Stigma (There’s a prevailing stigma, even to changing diapers.)
Objekt strahu (nstead, the primary bugaboo was failing to deliver paon time.)
Mizoginija/sovraštvo do žensk ( major point of contention was the movement’s misogyny.)
Grešni kozel (The unfortunate part is that Paul has been made the scapegoat.)
Active shooter
Aktivni strelec (Initial reports had stated that there was an active shooter incident)
lockdown drills
Vaje za varnost (In a lockdown drill, students are to clear the halls and report to the nearest available classroom where they are to hide and stay as silent as possible.)
Divjanje (The rampaging Russians sweep unchecked across the German province of Pomerania.)
Anksioznost ( Once it starts, stress and anxiety can make it worse)
Guidance counsellor
Usmerjevalni svetovalec (Dawn tells Buffy that she recently talked to a guidance counsellor.)
Clinical psychologist
Klinični psiholog (The judge questioned whether the witness was even really a clinical psychologist.)
Nezmožnost, invalidnost (Basically, the Paralympic games are for elite athletes with disabilities,)
Predpostavka (The assumption was that they had passed on it last fall.)
Klančine (Now, there are handicap parking spaces and ramps all over.)
Ograje,držala (A 19th-century iron strap hinge became a vertical handrail.)
Inspiration porn
Navdihujoč govor (Some film submissions are what the disability community refers to as inspiration porn.)
Closed captions
Podnapisi (There is a need for closed captions for the hearing impaired.)
Disability hate crimes
Nasilje zoper invalidnim (Disability hate crime is currently one of the least recognised forms of hate crime.)
Disability benefits claimants
Upravičenci invalidnine (e said tough economic conditions had made it difficult to find work and raised the number of benefit claimants.)
Življenjska doba (Experts say the Wilson bridge has a lifespan of nine years.)
Odbijati (It was a planned effort to rebuff and humiliate the mayor.)
To put up with
Prenašati (Our communities have had to put up with one incident after another,)
Besedna igra (Trope said such naivete is not unusual for young art students.)
Razdražljuv, čuden (t’s a schedule hectic enough to make anybody cranky.)
Demenca (One patient with alcoholic dementia tested negative; another tested positive.)
Robček (He brought Mama’s ashes home in his army handkerchief.)
Škodljiv (Beyond that, alcohol is morally, emotionally and physically deleterious.)
Nedvoumno (It was his most unequivocal attack on a Palestinian terrorist act.)
Nursing home
Dom za ostarele (Nursing home workers then switch them with fresh tanks as needed.)
Stoletnik (Until very recently, centenarians were not numerous enough for study.)
To prolong
Podaljšati (A mere eight hard-liners could prolong a work stoppage.)
Napoved (The seamen said the mission off Haiti has changed their outlook.)
Genetik (Holtzman said he did not know what steps geneticists could take.)
To relocate
Preseliti se (But real family ties and mortgages have others unwilling to relocate.)
Homogeno (And once-homogeneous neighborhoods had been transformed by new arrivals.)
Chronic disease
Kronična bolezen (Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease which cycles through so-called flare-up periods.)
Obvezno (Mandatory military training and manual labor for students has been eased.)
Smernice (University officials need to set policy and guidelines on alcohol abuse.)
To chop
Sekljati (Muirhead said, preparing to chop kale, cabbage and zucchini.)
Prehrana (Gingrich would also limit the growth of housing and nutrition programs.)
A dispute
Spor (Such territorial disputes can never be settled so simply in beds.)
Lastnost(The one trait that best defined Berg was his utter perversity.)
Loaded with
Naloženo z (Our arenas, stadiums and theaters are loaded with entertainment alternatives.)
Komaj (At this stage, the public barely knows who is running.)
Poraba (This was an internal history, designed for internal consumption only,)
A lean diet
Lahka prehrana (Like their cousins the morning glories, they do best on a lean diet.)
To pass down
Prenesti navzdol (But everything he had intended to pass down to his 19-year-old daughter.)
Misantrop (ne mara ljudi in družbe)(With lesser actors these characters might have come off as misanthropes.)
Godrnjav (When it’s not football, he’s grumpy.)
Vzvišeno (In a setting of campy Hollywood operetta, sublime poetry sparkles.)
Blaženost (Anyone in Seventh Heaven is thus in a state of bliss.)
Cestnina taksa (It also took a toll on his 18-year marriage.)
Preveč zaskrbljujoče (However, an overanxious Iowa player jumped offside on the kick.)
Soglasno (But enthusiasm for private child-support companies is hardly unanimous.)
Za enkratno uporabo (The filters have disposable cartridges that should be replaced every year.)
To rear children
Vzgojiti otroka (Increasingly, women are delaying the decision to rear children until that age.)
To postpone
Preložiti (It would have been a legitimate reason to postpone the Vargas fight.)
To coo
Nežno šepetati (But nothing soothes, coos and consoles like a Mom Meal.)
To soar
Dvigati se, naraščati (These companies are probably going to soar right through the summer,)
Potomci (Wolves can also mate, have cubs and feed the offspring.)
Placebo (That’s about twice the effectiveness seen with a placebo.)
Psi (Lewis tried putting the cats in the cradle of her canines.)
Ljubeč, nakljonen (He wasn’t real affectionate, but he had class.)
To enrol
Vpisati se (About 5, 500 students enrol in UQO courses each year)
To slash
Zarezati, zmanjšati (Will The Post try the slash-the-price tactic?)
To swell
Otekati, nabrektniti (My knee didn’t swell up as much this time.)
Assisted living
Pomoč pri življenju (Many assisted living companies are working to improve the quality of care.)
Občina (Municipalities that are affected also may have to OK the deal.)
Spodobno,ustrezno, primerno (Are they adequate for the problems we face today and tomorrow?)
To fathom
Dojeti,dognati (For Shirley Meneilly, such criticism often seems hard to fathom.)
To trigger
sprožiti (Each move in the majors triggers a move in the minors.)
Gender (in)equality
Ne/enakost med spoloma (Employment laws were revised with gender equality being introduced in salary pay.)
Gender stereotypes
Spolni sterotipi (Therefore, it’s important to understand how gender stereotypes develop during online interactions.)
Glass ceiling
Stekleni strop, nevidna prepreka (But they still face the glass ceiling, discrimination and even racist remarks.)
Sufražetke (The suffragettes and the union made sure women are people too.)
Gender pay gap
Razlika v plačilu med spoloma (The gender pay gap remains and is shrinking more slowly.)
Tekmovanje (Beauty pageant trappings accompanied JonBenet to the end of her life)
A surge
Val, narast, kipeti (Increased immigration is largely responsible for the surge in school population.)
Z oblinami, ukvivljen (A curvy Brazilian character is based on Valdez’s wife.)
To connote
Konotirati (Salah says sweat can connote sex appeal without being too overt.)
To wreak havoc
Povzročiti opustošenje (The two San Francisco detectives wreak havoc as they trail a gangster.)
Diskriminacija (Sexual discrimination, however, was a claim raised and resolved.)
Seksizem (She remembers just one instance of blatant sexism during her training.)
Sexual harassment
Spolno nadlegovanje (Fernand claimed he was intoxicated and pleaded guilty to sexual harassment.)
Violation of rights
Kršenje pravic (Federal authorities also are probing Fuhrman for potential civil rights violations.)
Black Lives Matter (Anonymous has also been involved with the Black Lives Matter movement.)
a day of the week that is indistinguishable from any other
a global slowdown of travel and other human activities
active support for the rights of a minority or marginalized group without being a member of it (This has raised concerns that the word has been allyship and appropriation .)
the action of compulsively scrolling through social media or news feeds which relate bad news
an extremely ambitious and innovative project (“Don’t make a moonshot out of this,”)
Net zero
a target of completely negating the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activity, to be achieved by reducing emissions and implementing methods of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (The store uses net zero energy for heating and cooling the interior.)
an individual infected with a (pathogenic) microorganism who transmits it to an unusually large number of other individuals (wo did not pass on the germ, but the third was a “ superspreader “ who infected 20 nurses and fellow patients.)
Systemic racism
discrimination or unequal treatment on the basis of membership of a particular ethnic group (typically one that is a minority or marginalized), arising from systems, structures, or expectations that have become established within society or an institution (We feel the action of the operators was systemic racism,)
a working vacation; a holiday during which one also works
Wet market
(South-East Asian) a market for the sale of fresh meat, fish, and produce
(Cucumbers were much cheaper at the supermarkets than at the wet markets.)
the practice of infiltrating video conference calls on the Zoom application, and posting violent, pornographic, or offensive content
Transseksualec (The department obviously doesn’t understand transgender issues .”)
Cis spolna oseba(Most younger lesbian and other cisgender feminists strongly dissent from feminist transphobia.)
the act of wearing clothes usually worn by the opposite sex
Dress code
Pravila oblačenja (Weld says that is tantamount to a prohibition on mandatory dress codes.)
Gender dysphoria
he unhappy feeling that some people have when they feel that their identity (= who they are) as a man or a woman does not fit with the sex that they had, or were said to have, at birth
(Advantages and disadvantages exist to classifying gender dysphoria as a disorder.)
Gender transition
(This was her second public speaking engagement after her gender transition.)
Sexual reassignment operation
Operacija za spremembo spola (She had sexual reassignment surgery in 1988.)
a woman who was assigned male at birth
a man who was assigned female at birth
Prirojena (But not Alou, again underscoring his innate ability to lead.)
Nerodno (Their awkward flirtation is a brilliantly observed take on youthful passion.)
Globoko (But others say the influence of the caucus is more profound.)
Bathroom bill
the common name for legislation or a statute that defines access to public toilets by gender (restrooms)—or transgender individual
(Bathroom Bill : The bathroom bill is the legislation that intended to regulate which individuals should go to which bathroom.)
Pdvojiti (We now have duplicate positions and activities spread across multiple sites,)
To transition
Prehod, tranzicija (She took two and a half years to transition off welfare.)
Obsežno, obsegati (The list is meant to be encompassing, but not complete.)
Ponižujoče (They said shelters were demeaning, dangerous and lice-infested.)
people or things that are useful for the stated purpose
All of the other stuff is fun– but fodder.
Dodeljeno (In the study, patients were randomly assigned to four groups.)
Razširjenost (There seems to be a higher prevalence of Lupus in Nogales.)
Natančno (Try garbage scows and their crews for a more accurate description.)
Stiska (It’s enough to send up smoke signals in distress.)
Nezadovoljstvo (While romance bloomed for Victoria, discontent was stirring in Mitchell.)
A hurdle
Ovira (Temple was our big mental hurdle, and we overcame them)
Puberty blockers
Zaviralci pubertete (The use of puberty blockers as a form of treatment for transgender youth is in question.)
Povratno (If American history is any guide, crime waves are reversible.)
To plague
Nadlegovati, pestiti (Identity problems also plague the candidates in the remaining statewide races.)
To align with
Poravnati z, biti podpora(Others care more about having someone who actually aligns with their ideologies.)
Transgender discrimination
Diskriminacija zoper transspolne (There is currently no transgender discrimination against someone trying to change their name due to their gender identity.)
Ne skladnost (Incongruence also arises from a failure to describe the phenomena well)