Iyer/knight Flashcards
GNP per capita and a decrease in poverty and inequality
Budget deficit
Difference between income and spending over a period of time
Total amount of money government owes at a point in time
New liberal argument for reducing debtRelationship between debt and bond yields
Bond yields will rise and cause default
Interest rates will rise causing higher cost of financing so private investment will be reduced
Keynes Argument for running deficit
Need to create full employment so higher tax receipt. Budget deficit rectify itself
Moral hazard
Individuals have incentives to out of their behaviour when the risk that decision-making is formed by others
Adverse selection
Occurs when buyers have better information than sellers and this can distort usual market process. it can lead to missing market as firms do not find it profitable to sell the good. Eg a company selling life insurance will find out people at higher risk of death will be more willing to take out life insurance. If insurance company charges an average price but only high risk consumers buy, they will make a loss
Legal origins (history of a means to enable the court to enforce contracts) Glaeser and Shleifer
State is the only inst that has military power to fight bullies
Arguments to undermine civil law counties’ efficiency in protecting property rights
Procedure formalism Djankov et al
No judicial indi and constitutional review, eco and pol freedom
EG conséquence , especially financial development, additional evidence by Rajan and Zingales on stock market ratio. Neo- l outcomes. La Porta et al (also an empirical not categorical
Take home message of legal institution
Empirically worse EG
But France demonstrates to be a success. Explanation; transplanted to bad political institutions
Legal origins important for growth but not when human K controlled
A tripartite relationship between gov business and TU. Government would invite business representatives To set important economic matters through formal negotiation and agreement with the government