IVHMS Flashcards
IVHMS is compromised of:
An on board system, integrated vehicle health and management unit, ground station and software for displaying, viewing, and extracting helicopter health and safety information.
Functions of the on board system:
Power checks, main rotor track and balance, tail rotor track and balance, engine output shaft testing and balance, oil cooler testing and balance, maintenance card recording, isolating irregular/unusual vibrations, mechanical diagnostics, etc.
MFDs provide over how many pages of IVHMS data?
The IVHMU on board memory contains data spanning multiple flights (approx. 25 hours). It will ____ old files in a logical fashion to prevent memory overflow.
What is the only way to transfer data to the ground station?
PCMCIA card (must be in before power applied).
How many accelerometers are there and what do they do?
29+ mounted to the airframe and they track and monitor temperature, vibration, pulse input interfaces, timing references, and general frequency input interfaces.
Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recording has sufficient crash protected memory to record:
Four channels of voice for a minimum of two hours per channel.
Are HUMS and CVR/FDR data downloading independent of each other?
The inertia sw is used to control primary power to the CVR/FDR in the event of:
An incapacitating incident.
CVR/FDR starts recording when any of the following exist:
1 EG ON (NG1 greater than 55%), #2 ENG ON (NG2 greater than 55%), Main XSM OP greater than 20 PSI, or WOW switch equals false (in flight).
CVR/FDR stops recording when all of the following exist:
1 EG OFF (NG1 less than 55%), #2 ENG OFF (NG2 less than 55%), Main XSM OP less than 20 PSI, or WOW switch equals true (on ground).
What is the minimum operating life of the underwater locator beacon? What is its useful life?
30 days and 6 years.
Mechanical Diagnostics can be acquired in one of the three modes:
Automatic, prompted, or forced.
How many events can be captured per HUMS-E-REC I-Event start/stop cycle?
Around 5
IVHMU captures intermittent events including:
Cockpit noise, vibration data, and flight parameter data.