IVA 24 Flashcards
- Pedagogy
- Pedagod
- Belcanto
- A method of teaching
- A person who teaches
- Beautiful. Singing
What is the IVA Goal?
To train voices to sing in a free and natural manner. Smoothly from bottom to top with no breaks. Giving the singer the ability to access all dynamics of the voice to improve range, endurance, stamina, breath control, resonance, vocal strength and vocal quality without fatigue or damage.
IVA Core Values
- Avoiding asking to do anything harmful to voice
- Teach from singers perspective
- Teach through principles of cause and effect with tools and exercises
- Recognise muscular correctness before sound. Using unfinished sounds and iso exercises’
- Resting larynx home base posture similar to speech
- Teach and promote vocal technique through balancing of passage
- Balanced phonation + onset is home base for vibrating VF’s not pressed or breaks
- Breath support is a result not a cause of balanced airflow, intrinsic muscle resistance and resting laryngeal posture.
What is the hypocritical Oath?
Do no harm, refer all medical issues you are not familiar with to a more experienced coach or medical professional
Define equilibrium
Balance air and muscle. The position between extremes. The student should always be able to test extremes but always be able to return to balance.
Define cause and effect
Give tool to allow, direct is indirect control. E.g specific vowels to help with ease of sound.
Gets it moving, source of power like the hand playing guitar
Vibrator definition and vibratory system
Source of sound, strings on the guitar
Vocal folds and Larynx
Resonator definition and the resonators
Shapes of sound gives tone- body of the guitar
Nasal Cavity
Oral Cavity
Pharynx and throat
Respiration definition and air pressure system
Actuator exhale up to VF - power source
Chest wall and muscles
Abdo muscles
Vocal cords are the vibrator close air vibrator
Soft palate
Hard palate
Explain inspiration
Air is inhaled, ribs expand and muscles contract, diaphragm contracts
Explain expiration
Air is exhaled, rib cage gets smaller, muscles relax, diaphragm relaxes
What is the function of shortening intrinsic muscles
Thicker, lower pitches, deeper sounds. Chest and speaking voice.
What is the function of stretching intrinsic muscles?
Creates higher sounds like falsetto
What makes up the resonating system and what is the function?
Cavity sections above the VF’s to mouth 17cm including Vocal tract, pharynx, laryngopharynx, Oreo pharynx and nasopahrynx. Echos shape of mouth which ping pong’s sound waves.
Balanced breathing entails
Middle and low breathing. Good breathing posture, breathe low, VF abducted and coordinated, stand tall, shoulders back and down, chest up, low breath. Low slow and silent pull in navel and breathe out. Not pushing, not collapsing with minimal breath stream.
What is a vocal register?
A series of tones in a specific vocal range that seem to feel and sound more similar and stable than tones in another vocal range or region.
What are the male registers?
Starting pitch?
Male registers are made up of 2/3 chest voice and 1/3 head voice. Chest, head, head extension and whistle.
Starting pitch: D3- E3 (tenor)
What are the female registers?
Starting pitch?
The female voice consists of 1/3rd head and 2/3rds chest. Chest, middle, head, super head and whistle.
Starting pitch: A3-G3 (soprano)
Define passage
A series of tines where laryngeal and/or resonance adjustment occur while transitioning from one voice to another.
Define passage
A series of tines where laryngeal and/or resonance adjustment occur while transitioning from one voice to another.
What is the IVA Lesson format?
Lesson goal
Lesson Plan
What questions should you ask a new student?
Past vocal hx?
Medical hx? Nodules or issues
Present? Shows approaching? How does Vox feel?
Future plans?
What does the vocal assessment consist of?
Is the voice healthy enough? Vox health before technique
5T AH- do issue, males up to G4 and females up to C#5
Deliver script and in other words
What does the lesson goal consist of?
Delivering “my goal for this lesson is…” work on issue, work on strengthening and keep positive.
What does the lesson plan consist of?
How to get to your goal, My plan is to use finished or unfinished sounds.
How do you deliver your summary of the lesson?
Statements about past, present and future, Restate lesson goal, ask what exercise was most helpful. Future practise? Next lesson to work on goal by thickening etc.
What is a Tendency?
List the Basic Registration Tendencies.
How something functions
Head only, chest only, both seperate, head dominant, chest dominant, both uneven.
What is the point in the 5T AH?
Challenging but achievable and it is harder to transition so allows us to see their tendency.
What should you assess during 5T AH?
Passage locations, vowels open or closed, dynamics quiet or loud, VF condition, physical condition; fatigue, lack of sleep, hormonal?
Accurate pitch?
Pure vowel?
Even intensity?
What is connection?
Connecting head and chest voice to make mix.
The script…
I noticed you do/do not have a connection between your chest and head registers. You tend to sing with an issue in the bottom/middle/top of your voice that we need to address. In other words there is too much head/chest and not enough head/chest in your voice.
What is the Hierarchy assessment order?
Chest voice
Focus on the first two and the inside of the larynx first
Vowels effect?
Consonants effect?
Vowels effect resonance and take on the shape and the sound of the mouth and throat.
Consonants effect addiction ( how VF come together)
What are the 10 most commonly used vowels?
What is a diphthong?
Two sounds to make 1 vowel oo+oh
What is a consonant and what is the purpose?
A speech sound that is articulated with complete or partial closure of the Vocal tract. They are shorter than vowels and flow into them. They are prescribed to cause an experience of balanced air pressure and airflow. This assists students to find how it should feel with correct air pressure and flow in their vocal folds.
Manner of Articulations
Influences balance of muscle tension and airflow in vowel
What are the stop or plosive consonants
G, K, D, P, B
What are the nasal consonants?
N, M, NG
What are the glide consonants?
Y, W
What are the fricative consonants?
F, SH, H