IV Therapy Flashcards
Describe the Drops Per Minute Formula
ml/hr X gtts/min
————————– = DPM
Time in minutes
ml/hr X gtts/min / mins = DPM
Identify the general indications for IV therapy
- Fluid administration/replacement
- Drug administration
- Anticipation of hospital use for critical patients
List potential complications of IV cannulation
- Catheter shear and potential plastic embolism
- Thrombophlebitis (redness and pain)
- Extravasation (leakage of fluid/infiltration)
- Bruising/ecchymosis at the puncture site
- Infection, both localized and systemic
- Volume overload
- Potential for needle-stick injury for EMS providers
(Cold Traps Everywhere, Bombs, Including Velvet Pistols)
Define “Colloid Fluid”
Colloid solutions contain large molecules that cannot pass through semi-permeable membranes and are used to expand intravascular volume by drawing fluid from extravascular space via high osmotic pressure.
- Albumin
- Dextrans
- Hydroxyethyl starches
Define “Crystalloid Fluid”
Crystalloid solutions contain solutes such as electrolytes or dextrose, which are easily mixed and dissolvable in solution. Crystalloids contain small molecules that flow easily across semi-permeable membranes, which allows for transfer from the bloodstream into the cells and tissues. They may increase fluid volume in interstitial and intravascular space.
- Isotonic
- Hypertonic
- Hypotonic
Define “Isotonic Crystalloid Fluid”
Isotonic solutions have the same osmotic pressure as plasma, creating constant pressure inside and outside the cells, which causes the cells to remain the same (they will not shrink or swell) and does not cause any fluid shifts within compartments. Isotonic solutions are useful to increase intravascular volume, and are utilized to treat vomiting, diarrhea, shock, and metabolic acidosis, and for resuscitation purposes and the administration of blood and blood products
- 0.9% sodium chloride
- lactated Ringer’s solution
- 5% dextrose in water (D5W)
- and Ringer’s solution
It is important to monitor patients receiving isotonic solutions for fluid volume overload (hypervolemia)
Define “Hypertonic Crystalloid Fluid”
The osmotic pressure gradient draws water out of the intracellular space into the extracellular space. Hypertonic solutions may cause intravascular fluid volume overload and pulmonary edema, and they should not be used for an extended period of time. Hypertonic solutions should not be used in patients with heart or renal disease who are dehydrated
- D5W
- D10W
- 0.45% sodium chloride
- 3% sodium chloride.
Define “Hypotonic Crystalloid Fluid”
The infusion of hypotonic solutions lowers the osmolality within the vascular space and causes fluid to shift to the intracellular and interstitial space. Cells will swell but may also delete fluid within the vascular space. Monitor for hypovolemia and hypotension related to fluid shifting out of the vascular space, and do not administer to patients with increased intracranial pressure (ICP), as it may exacerbate cerebral edema. Use cautiously in patients with burns, liver failure, and traumas (Crawford & Harris, 2011).
- 0.2% sodium chloride
- 0.33% sodium chloride
- 0.45% sodium chloride
- 2.5% dextrose in water
How often should an IV catheter be replaced?
Every 72-96 hours
List the steps of initiating an IV
Fuck RC
List potential complications of IV cannulation
- Infection (localized and systemic)
- Volume overload
- Catheter shear and potential plastic embolism
- Bruising/ecchymosis at the puncture site
- Potential for needle-stick injury for EMS providers
- Thrombophlebitis (redness and pain)
- Extravasation (leakage of fluid/infiltration)
- Air embolism
- Phlebitis
(I Vs Can Become Problematic To Everyone)
What are the signs and symptoms of Phlebitis?
- Redness
- Swelling
- Warmth
- ## Red “streaking”-
Define Phlebitis, and list the signs and symptoms
Inflammation of a vein
- Redness
- Swelling
- Warmth
- Red “streaking”
- Tenderness