For every five degrees of tube tilt, the tube should be moved towards the bucky a. 5cm b. 3in c. 1in d. 1cm
The central ray of the AP thoracic is always directed to: a. At the level 1in below C7 Spinous process b. at the level of the sternal notch c. at the level of the sternal angle (angle of louis) d. At the level of T6 e. At the level of L1
The “ten day rule” for females of child bearing age refers to performing non- emergency abdominal-pelvic x-ray ______ a. During the 10 days after the onset of ovulation b. During the 10 days before the oneset of ovulation c. During the 10 days after the onset of menstruation d. Except during the 10 days before the onset of ovulation until 10 days after e. Except during the 10 days before the onset of menstruation
Where is the central ray for vertex? a. C1 b. Centre of film c. Centre head d. All of the above
The theoretical maximum energy of any photon in an x-ray beam is equal to which of the following? a. The SID b. The exposure time c. The mA set on the console d. the mAs value of the exposure e. the kVp set on the console
Which of the following is in the correct order from the most radiopaque to the least _____? a. Metal, Air, Fat, Water, Bone b. Metal, Bone, Water, Fat, Air c. Air, Water, Fat, Bone, Metal d. Air, Fat, Water, Bone, Metal
To maintain constant radiographic density on a film, an increase of 15% in kVp should be accompanied by: a. Keeping the mAs constant b. Increasing the mAs by 1/4 c. Decreasing the mAs by 1/4 d. Decreasing the mAs by 1/2 e. Increasing the mAs by 1/2
The Intensifying screen is located: a. In the cassette b. In the collimator c. In the bucky d. In the filter e. In the grid
Which of the following is NOT a radiation protection device? a. Intensifying screen b. Gonadal screen c. Compensating filter d. Grid e. Lead Apron
Scatter increases on radiograph when: a. mAs is increased b. mAs is decreased c. SID is increased d. kVp is decreased e. kVp is increased
The feet must internally rotated 15 degrees on the AP lumbo[pelvic projection to achieve which of the following? a. No internal rotation is necessary b. True AP projection of the proximal femur and femoral neck c. To avoid patient movement during exposure d. Provide additional radiation protection to the patient e. To facilitate x-ray analysis
The function of a filter is to _____ a. remove soft x-rays b. absorb x-ray c. remove scatter radiation d. reduce the filed size of the beam e. Make a latent image visible
A definition of radiographic contrast would be the _____? a. degree of blackening b. Amount of visible detail c. Tonal relationship between one density and another d. Amount of geometric detail
The diagram (to the right) depicts the effects of beam divergence (starting at the top) and magnification on an AP lumbar radiograph. the Circle (A,B,C) represent hypothetical lesions within the abdomen. Which of the following statements is true concerning LESION A as it appears on the film (at the bottom) a. Lesion A is foreshortened and magnified compared to B and C b. Lesion A is elongated and magnified compared to B and C c. Lesion A is elongated but less magnified than lesion B d. Lesion A is foreshortened and is the least magnified of the three lesions
Of the following, which type of radiation is the major constituent (the larger portion) emitted form the target? a. Characteristic Radiation b. Bremsstrahlung Radiation c. Compton Scatter d. Photoelectric Effect e. None of the above
The lateral sacrum and coccyx are often taken together as one view, the AP projections, however, must be taken separately as: a. the SID’s are different b. the OID are different c. the Tube angles are different d. The filter / shielding are different
The principal electrostatic law implies that? a. a proton will repel an electron b. a proton will repel a neutron c. a neutron will repel a neutron d. an electron will repel a neutron e. an electron will repel and electron
With all other factors unchanged, if OID is reduced, image magnification will be ____ a. distortionally increases b. directly increased c. directly decreased d. changed slightly, but not with a visible change e. not changed at all
Which of the following interaction between x-ray photons and matter make the most significant contribution to patient does? a. photoelectric effect b. Compton scatter c. coherent scatter d. bremsstrahlung radiation e. added filtration
To determine if the patient is probably a male on the AP pelvis view: a. the patient was positioned PA b. The pelvic opening is open and round shape c. the angle below the symphysis pubis is obtuse d. the angle below the symphysis pubis is acute e. look for the heart shaped gonadal shield
In order to best visualize the thoracic vertebrae of a patient with a significant scoliosis: a. The convexity should be closes to the tube on the AP film b. The concavity should be closest to the film on the AP view c. The convexity should be closest to the film on the lateral view d. the concavity should be closest to the film on the lateral view e. It doesn’t matter how the patient is positioned
Two reasons why proper collimation is important are”: a. It decreases contrast and increases patient exposure b. It increases contrast and decreases patient exposure c. It increases contrast and increases patient exposure d. It decreases contrast and decreases patient exposure e. It decreases patient exposure
The central ray of the L5/S1, Sacrum, coccyx in the AP projection should be: a. Be parallel to the plane of the object to be radiographed b. Be perpendicular to the plane of the object to be radiogrpahed c. Are angle at 10 deg d. are angled at 20 deg e. are angled at 35 deg
On the lateral sacrum view, the tube angle is a. 15 deg caudal b. 15 deg cephalad c. 30 deg caudal d. 30 deg cephalad e. No tube tilt
This view is a good one for ruling out spondylolisthesis: a. L5/S1 spot AP b. L5/S1 spot lateral c. Lumbar oblique d. Swimmer’s e. Wagging Jaw
the technical factor controls the quality of the photons in the beam: a. mA b. Exposure time c. mAs d. kVp e. SID
The zygapophyseal joints in the cervical spine are best visualized on this projection a. APOM b. Lateral Cervical c. AP Lower cervical d. Cervical posterior oblique e. Cervical anterior obliq
Angle of the Jaw (Gonion) a. C1 b. C2 c. C3 d. C4
Vertebral Prominens a. C5 b. C6 c. C7 d. T1
Episternal Notch a. C7-T1 b. T1-T2 c. T2-T3 d. T3-T4
Umbilicus a. L1-L2 b. L2-L3 c. L3-L4 d. L4-L5
Thyroid Cartilage a. C4 b. C5 c. C6 d. C7
PSIS a. L4 b. L5 c. S1 d. S2
Inferior Angle of Scapular a. T4 b. T5 c. T6 d. T7
The major advantage of taking an AP lumbopelvic view PA on a large patient is: a. To decrease structure magnification b. To decrease object image distance c. To achieve a more uniform radiographic density by compensation d. To standardize the lumbar curve on all films e. To increase patient dose
It is preferred to take the Flexion/Extension projections at the same SID as the lateral cervical because: a. it is not preferred to take them at the same SID b. It facilitates the detection of subluxation c. It facilitates the evaluation of the cervical curve d. There is better comparison of structures size form film to film e. The equipment is already set up and therefor need not be changed
The purpose of the swimmer’s view is it visualize: a. T1-T6 b. C6-T2 c. C1 to C7 d. Hard Palate
Which of the following is a way to reduce the radiation dose to the patient? a. Slow film/speed combination b. Collimation as close as possible c. Low source to object distance d. Using a high ratio grid e. Using lower kVp
Which of the following is considered the principal factor controlling x-ray penetration? a. Milliamps b. grid ratio c. exposure time d. film speed combination e. kilovolts
For improved image quality and reduced radiation dose to the patient, this type of technique chart is preferred in the chiropractic practice: a. Fixed mAs, variable kVp technique chart to achieve constant radiographic density b. Fixed kVp, variable mAs technique chart to achieve constant radiographic density c. Fixed mAs, variable kVp technique chart to achieve constant radiographic contrast d. Fixed kVp, variable mAs technique chart to achieve constant radiographic contrast
The guidelines for gonadal shielding / filtering include all of the following EXCEPT: a. Whenever the patient is of childbearing potential b. Whenever the gonads are within 5cm of the collimated edge c. Whenever the shield will not obscure the anatomy you are trying to visualize d. Whenever you need to provide increased contrast (tin foil hat technique)
Lateral cervical flexion and extension projection should be taken: a. When ligament stability damage is suspects b. After static views have been taken and read c. When a fracture is suspected d. To rule out postural problems e. To complete the Davis series
A systematic approach to taking radiographs includes the following EXCEPT: a. Measure the patient b. Choose film size c. Alignment of bucky and film to central ray d. Alignment of central ray to patient’s anatomy e. Always have patient expire before exposure
The breathing instruction for the PA and lateral Chest projection are: a. Suspended respiration b. Suspended respiration after deep inspiration c. Suspended respiration after the second or third inspiration d. Suspended respiration after deep exhalation e. Suspended respiration after the second or third deep exhalation
The IVF’s in the lumbar spine are visualized on this projection: a. AP pelvis b. Lateral lumbar c. AP lumbosacral d. Lumbar posterior oblique e. Lumbar anterior oblique
When choosing technical factors for radiographic projection it is important to consider this to avoid blur due to motion: a. Choose low mA, long exposure time b. Choose high mA, short exposure time c. Choose high kVp, low mA d. Choose low kVp, high mAs
.The central ray for the lateral cervical flexion and extension is: a. C1 b. C2 c. C4 d. C5 e. C7
The purpose of having the patient exhale and hold during the lateral cervical projection: a. The get uniform radiographic density above and below the diaphragm b. To avoid taking a swimmer view c. To get the shoulders out of the way so that the lower cervical region can be visualized d. To visualize the joints of luschka e. It doesn’t matter whether they inhale and hold or exhale and hold
Where should the ventral ray for APOM be placed: a. C1 b. C4 c. C7 d. Gerdy’s Tubercle e. Atlas Transverse Process
When taking the APOM the most important structure(s) to clear from the area of interest is (are) the ____ a. Thyroid b. Teeth c. Nose d. ears