Iterators & List Comprehensions Flashcards
Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)
object that can return an iterator
object that keeps state and produces the next value after calling next()
2 ways to iterate over iterable
- for loop
2. iter(iterable) and then next(iter(iterable))
a couple iterables that are not lists
strings and range() function
returns enumerate object (iterator) - series of index-value pair tuples
zips multiple lists into a zip object (similar to list of tuples)
how to unzip
- for loop
2. *zip(x, y) - unpacks iterable into positional arguments in a function call
one good use of iterators
processing data in chunks
pd.read_csv arguments
(‘.csv file’, chunksize=x)
list comprehension format
[output expression for iterator variable in iterable if predicate expression]
list comprehensions and iterables
list comps can be built over iterables
nested list comprehension
[[output expression] for iterator variable in iterable]
if/else list comprehension
[x if … else … for x in list]
dict comprehension format
{key: output expression for key in iterable}
looks like a list comp but with () instead of [] and creates a generator object
iterating over a dictionary
use dictionary.items()
how to build a generator function
use “yield” instead of “return”
generating a DataFrame from a list of dicts
this is easy, just use pandas.DataFrame(list of dicts)