ITE questions Flashcards
Difference between hoarders and normal collectors (characteristic of hoarding disorder)
disposing of the items causes extreme anxiety and emotional distress
Testing for early syphilis
A non-treponema like test such as RPR or VDRL test, is the initial step for evaluating a patient with suspected syphilis. These tests become positive within 3 weeks of the appearance of the primary chancre, so they may be negative in patients with an early infection. If there is a strong suspicion of syphilis, a repeat nontreponemal test in 2 weeks is indicated. Patients with positive nontreponemal test should be tested with a specific treponemal test for confirmation. These tests may lack reactivity in early primary syphilis, however, and are not indicated for use in the initial evaluation.
Smoking cessation
- Nicotine patches
- Varenicline (Chantix)
- Bupropion
- Nortriptyline
Level of severity of anorexia nervosa
Mild –> BMI > 17
Moderate –> BMI 16 - 16.99
Severe –> BMI 15 - 15.9
Extreme BMI
Difference between acute stress disorder and PTSD
Time interval 1 month
Ottawa Ankle rules
Patients who were able to bear weight immediately following their injury and how can take 4 steps independently in a clinical setting require radiographic study only when the following criteria are met :
pain is present in the malleolar zone and bony tenderness of the posterior edge or tip of either malleolus is elicited, or
pain is present in the midfoot zone and bony tenderness of either the base of the fifth metatarsal or the navicular region is present
Endocarditis prophylaxis associated with dental, GI or GU procedures (2007 AHA guidelines)
High risk patients with prosthetic valves
A previous history of endocarditis
Unprepared cyanotic congenital heart disease (CHD) or CHD repaired with prosthetic material
Cardiac transplant recipients who develop valvular disease
Exclude mitral valve prolapse and acquired valvular disease even if they are associated with mitral regurgitation.
Asymptomatic aortic stenosis follow up
every 6-12 months in patients with severe aortic stenosis
every 1-2 years in those with moderate disease
¶ Every 3-5 years in those with mild disease.
A vector (especially in homeless people) for Bartonella Quintana, which causes trench fever, an influenza-like syndrome with relapsing fever
Asymptomatic aortic stenosis follow up
every 6-12 months in patients with severe aortic stenosis
every 1-2 years in those with moderate disease
¶ Every 3-5 years in those with mild disease.
A vector (especially in homeless people) for Bartonella Quintana, which causes trench fever, an influenza-like syndrome with relapsing fever
Asymptomatic aortic stenosis follow up
every 6-12 months in patients with severe aortic stenosis
every 1-2 years in those with moderate disease
¶ Every 3-5 years in those with mild disease.
Statin and ASA recommendations
ASCVD > 10% –> aspirin
ASCVD > 7.5% –> statin
Vaccine that increase the risk up seizures up to 2 weeks after administration
Treatment of Tinea Capitis
Tinea capitis is an infection of the scalp caused by a variety of superficial dermatophytes. The treatment of choice for this infection is oral griseofulvin. It has the fewest drug interactions, a good safety record, and anti-inflammatory properties. Terbinafine has equal effectiveness and requires a significantly shorter duration of therapy, but it is only available in tablet form. Since tinea capitis most commonly occurs in children, tablets would have to be cut and/or crushed prior to administration. Oral itraconazole, fluconazole, and ketoconazole have significant side effects. Topical antifungals such as ketoconazole and miconazole are ineffective against tinea capitis.
Longest symptom relief for carpal tunnel symdrome
Studies suggest that local corticosteroid injections offer symptom relief for 1 month longer than oral corticosteroid therapy and some individuals experience relief for up to 1 year. Severe or chronic symptoms usually require surgical intervention for nerve compression. Physical therapy is not recommended and full rest is unlikely in a person in a high-risk occupation for overuse syndromes
Intoeing (pediatrics)
Intoeing is usually cuased by internal tibial torsion. The problem is believed to be caused by sleeping in the prone position and sitting on the feet. In 90% of cases, internal tibial torsion gradully resolves without intervention by the age of 8. Avoid sleeping in a prone position enhances resolution of the problem.
Rubella non-immune in pregnancy
Vaccination immediately after childbirth or abortion is recommended
Initial screening for hereditary hemochromatosis
Ferritin and transferrin saturation. If serum ferritin or the transferrin saturation is elevated, HFE gene should be checked
Medical conditions that decrease responsiveness to warfarin and reduce INR
Hypothyroidism, visceral carcinoma, increased Vitamin K intake, diabetes mellitus and hyperlipdemia
Conditions that increase responsiveness to warfarin, the INR and risk of bleeding
Vitamin K deficiency caused by decreased dietary intake, malabsorption, scury, cachexia, small body size, hepatic dysfunction, moderate to severe renal impairment, hypermetabolic states, fever, hypothyroidism, infectious disease, and biliary obstruction
The preferred site for emergency airway
The cricothyroid membrane