ITE Flashcards
What is the mechanism of action of midazolam?
positive allosteric modulator of GABAa receptor
increased 2,3 diphosphoglyceric acid (DPG)
stabilizes deoxy Hg therefore shift curve to the right
ultrasound is sound above what range?
20,000 cycles per second
two most frequent CV side effects of amiodarone?
bradycardia and hypotension
when do you use a t test?
to compare the mean outcome between two independent populations
where are catecholamines made and name examples of catecholamines?
adrenal medulla. Epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine
what physiologic lung volumes increase during pregnancy?
inspiratory capacity, tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume
why should corticosteroids be used cautiously in glaucoma?
corticosteroids increase IOP and can cause steroid induced glaucoma
what is the best image modality to diagnose cerebral vasospasm?
cerebral angiography
what is the best treatment of vasospasm?
“Triple H” therapy - hypervolemia, hypertension, and hemodilution
nimodipine also reduces intracelluluar Ca availability
what are the safest opioids in end stage renal dx patients?
fentanyl and methadone which are both metabolized in the liver
normal cvp
2-6 mmHg
normal PCWP
6-12 mmHg
normal CI
2.5 - 4 L/min/m2
normal SVR
800-1200 dynes x sec /cm5
what is the mechanism of paresthesia during hyperventilation?
creates a respiratory alkalosis so hydrogen ions get released from negatively charged proteins like albumin. Calcium then binds to albumin decreasing its availabiliyt
definition of oliguria
common symptoms of carcinoid syndrome
flushing, diarrhea, right sided heart dx, bronchoconstriction (wheezing)
Draw and describe meaning of early decerlation
usually an indication of head compression. nothing to do
Draw and describe late deccereration
uteroplacental insufficiency
draw and describe variable deccelerations
umbilical cord compression
what type of local anesthetic is most likely to cause allergic reaction?
Esthers because they get degraded into an allergen called PABA
which enzyme does etomidate inhibit leading to adrenal insufficiency?
11 beta hydroxylase
conn sydrome (primary hyperaldosteronism) causes
hypokalemic metabolic acidosis.
what are the side effects of etomidate?
adrenal insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, myoclonus, hiccoughs, burning on injection due to propylene glycol
what are alternatives to heparin for AC during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery?
direct thrombin inhibitors such as bivalirubin, argatropan, hirudin, dabigatran
why do you need a larger dose of spinal local anesthetic in infants and children?
CSF volume is higher on a ml/kg basis
what drug is contraindicated in MH pt being treated with dantrolene?
Any Ca channel blocker such as diltiazem
what benzo is the best to give to end stage renal dx patient?
lorazepam (Ativan)
how does hypercalcemia effect your dosing of nondepolarizing paralytics?
need to use an increased dose
what factors increase hoffman elimination of cisatricurium?
increased pH and temperature
when using epidural opioids, what factor contributes the most to spread?
lipophillicity. Highly lipophilic drugs will stay at level of injection. Whereas less lipophilic drugs like morphine will have more systemic spread
name your anticholinergics and their effects
glycopyrrolate and atropine
explain citrate toxicity
occurs due to citrate binding to calcium –> hypocalcemia. Worsened by hyperventilation
what is normal ICP?
5-20 cm H20
what is a normal urine ion gap?
0 - 5 (anything above this suggest a renal tubular acidosis because kidneys are unable to excrete enough Cl ions and therefore decreased amounts of NH4+)
medications that induce CYP-3A4
carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, St. John’s wort, dexamethasone, topiramate, and oxcarbazepine.
cerebral metabolic rate is decreased by what % per each degree celsius?
cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption is decreased by about 7.5% for each degree Celsius decrease.
complete burst suppression occurs at what degree of celsius?
18 degreess celsius
what remains constant during volume control ventilation
inspiratory flow is constant with varying pressures
what remains constant during pressure control ventilation
constant inspiratory pressure w/ deccelerating inspiratory flow
what is the difference between CAM-ICU and RASS score?
CAM-ICU is the initial screening tool for delirium and first two questions need to be positive:
- Is there an acute change in mental status or fluctuating course – yes/no
- Is the patient inattentive or easily distracted – yes/no
Next set of questions:
- Is there an altered level of consciousness or RASS other than 0 – yes/no
- Does the patient experience disorganized thinking – yes /no
An altered RASS score or an altered level of consciousness is one of the element of the second part of the CAM-ICU screen. The RASS is an agitation sedation score.
autonomic hyperreflexia is most likely to occur above what levels?
What is the oxygen content of arterial blood?
CaO2 = SaO2 x (Hb x 1.34) + .0031 x PaO2
what is the mechanism of action of adenosine?
It acts on receptors in the cardiac AV node, significantly reducing conduction time. [This effect occurs by activation of specific potassium channels, driving potassium outside of cells, and inhibition of calcium influx, disrupting the resting potential of the slow nodal cardiac myocyte
myasthenia gravis patients are sensitive to what type of NMB?
non depolarizing NMB
lambert eaton patients are sensitive to what type of NMB?
succinylcholine and non depolarizing
what are the side effects of hypermagnesemia?
skeletal weakness, loss or deep tendon reflexes, depression of cardiac conduction and contractility -> bradycardia, widened qrs, hypotension
when is the max spinal cord edema occur after spinal cord injury?
3-6 days after injury
what surgeries have highest risk of delirium?
cardiac, thoracic and orthopedic
what anesthetic agents induce seizures?
ketamine, etomidate, lidocaine, methohexital
best treatment for type II second degree AV block or third degree AV block?
transcutaneous pacing
non depolarizing NMB dosing should be reduced for what types of patients?
myopathy disorders, MG, and Lambert Eaton
what preoperative risk factors MOST predicts the need for extended postoperative ventilation?
Hx of MG for > 6 years