Italy 💕 Flashcards
to get sick by overheating
I got/had heatstroke
pickled vegetables or fruits have been preserved in vinegar or salt water.
pickled onion
pickled cucumber
a sour-tasting liquid made from malt or wine that is used to improve the taste of food or to preserve it.
due to
because of sth
she has been absent from work due to illness
sth difficult or worrying that you are responsible for
بار مسئولیت
due to the burden of covering the vast syllabus
extremely large in area, size, amount, etc.
vast syllabus
vast amounts of money
vast numbers of refugees
study - studies
رشته تحصیلی
what are your favorite studies?
what is your favorite study?
he left his studies and became a sailor.
the mark left by an object being pressed into or onto sth
the imprint of her hand on the soft sand
she left such a big imprint on me
the quality of not being too proud about yourself
to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of time
انباشته شدن
to accumulate wealth
to accumulate data
an intuitive idea is based on a feeling rather than on knowledge or facts = instinctive
he seemed to have an intuitive awareness of how I felt.
a state of having a close personal relationship with someone
to talk or think about pleasant events in your past
خاطرات خوش گذشته را به یاد آوردن
to reminisce about your childhood
صرفه جو
she is a very economical housewife.
to have enough money to buy or pay for sth.
afford (to do) sth
we can’t afford to go on vacation this year.
a feeling of nausea suddenly came over me.
to bring food or drink up from your stomach out through your mouth, because you are ill.
I vomitted up most of my dinner.
I knew I was really in trouble when I began vomitting blood.
a bird that is born from a fire, according to ancient stories.
to pause before saying or doing sth bc you are nervous or not sure.
she hesitated for a moment and then said “yes”.
look forward to sth
to be excited and pleased about sth that is going to happen.
I’m really looking forward to our vacation. / I really look forward to our vacation.
my mother says she’s looking forward to meeting you.
Deforestation refers to the decrease in forest areas across the world that are lost for other uses such as agricultural croplands, urbanization, or mining activities.
call sb / sth off
to decide that a planned event will not take place
the trip to Italy might be called off
to officially decide that sth should be stopped after it has already started
they had to call off the search because of worsening weather conditions
to order an animal or person to stop attacking or threatening someone
call your dog off
intended or planned, intentional # unintentional
a deliberate attempt to humiliate her
pick a fight / quarrel
to deliberately start a fight with someone.
she sometimes picked fights with other girls at school