Italian Vocab - Object Pronouns Flashcards
me (direct)
you (informal, direct)
you (formal, direct)
him, it (direct)
her, it (direct)
himself/herself/itself (direct)
us (direct)
you (informal, direct, plural)
you (formal, direct, plural)
them (direct, masculine)
them (direct, feminine)
to me, for me (indirect)
to you, for you (informal, indirect)
to you, for you (formal, indirect)
to him, for him, to it (indirect)
to her, for her, to it (indirect)
to himself/herself/itself/theirselves (indirect)
to us, for us (indirect)
to you, for you (informal, indirect, plural)
to you, for you (formal, indirect, plural)
to them, for them (indirect)
me (propositional)
you (informal, prepositional)
you (formal, prepositional)
him (prepositional)
her (prepositional)
it (prepositional)
esso, essa
himself/herself/itself (prepositional)
us (prepositional)
you (plural, prepositional)
voi, Voi
them (prepositional)
loro, essi, esse
You like fruit
Vi piace la frutta
It is not possible for me
Non e possibile per me
Do you believe in me
Credi in me?
I like women
Mi piacciono le donne
However,it is just as popular in the summer as in the winter
Tuttavia, e tanto popolare d’estate quanto lo e d’iverno
I believe in you.
Credo in te.
I do not hear you, do you hear me?
Io non ti sento, tu me senti?
I see myself in the mirror at night.
Mi vedo allo specchio di notte
I am younger than you.
Io sono piu giovane di te.
Do you see yourselves in the mirror?
Vi vedete allo specchio?
My sisters love him a lot.
Le mie sorelle lo amano molto.
They come toward me
Vengono verso di me.
We talk about moms, and I obviously think about you.
Parliamo delle mamme e penso ovviamente a te.
I like sugar
Mi piace lo zucchero.
Do you all like apples?
Vi piacciono le mele?
I believe you.
Ti credo
She never waits for me.
Lei non mi aspetta mai.
They do no understand him.
Non lo capiscono
My uncle does not love me a lot
Mio zio non mi ama molto
It is not for me.
Non e per me.
I think only about you.
Penso solo a te.
She sees him.
Le lo vede.
I see you in the morning.
Io ti vedo di mattina.
I love you.
Vi amo.
I love you, but not a lot.
Ti amo ma non tanto.
I want you.
Ti voglio.
Lei viene dopo te.
She comes after you.
Do you want it?
Lo vuoi?
She follows me.
Mi segue.
I see myself.
Vedo me stesso.
I am talking to him.
Gli parlo.
We use them.
Noi li usiamo
We bring him a bottle of wine.
Gli portiamo una bottiglia di vino
I do not love her.
Io non l’amo.
I find them in the box.
Le trovo nella scatola.
You won’t eat until you read them.
Non mangi finche non li leggi
I do not see her.
Non la vedo.
I do not eat them.
Io non le mangio.
I love her and she loves me
Io la amo e lei ama me.
He loves her.
Lui la ama.
He tells her it is impossible.
Lui le dice che e impossibile
Who helps him now?
Qui l’aiuta adesso?
We buy him a bottle of wine.
Gli compriamo una bottiglia di vino.
My coat is too big for her.
Il mio capotto e troppo grande per lei.
I cannot believe it.
Non ci credo
I already have it.
Ce l’ho gia.
He does not feel well.
Lui non si sente bene.
I am going home.
Me ne vado a casa.
Do we stop soon?
Ci fermiamo presto?
How does one cook pork?
Come si cucina il maiale?
If you have a cake, why don’t you eat the cake?
Se ha una torta, perche non mangi la torta?
They know us.
Loro ci conoscono.
You also need pepper.
Ci vuole anche il pepe.
I am not sure of it.
Non ne sono sicuro.
The girl speaks to herself.
La bambina parla con se stessa.
I want some of it.
Ne voglio un po.
What is your name?
Come si chiama?
We meet each other on Sunday.
Ci incontriamo domenica.