Italian Intermediate Class I Flashcards
Indirect object pronouns
mi (m’)ti (t’)gli (him)le (her)Le (you formal)civi (you, familiar)loro, gli (them, m/f)Loro, Gli (you, formal)(a Lucia)
direct object pronouns
mi (m’)ti (t’)lo (l’) (him)la (l’) (her)La (you formal, m/f), civi (you, familiar, plural)li (them mas)le (them fem)Li/Le (you formal, m/f).
When do you NOT use the article before a possessive pronoun?
When it precedes a noun that refers to a single relative in its pure form, and the noun is not modified by an adjective. Always use the article when the possessive pronoun stands alone, even if it refers to a relative (e.g. Il tuo).
Is loro preceded by an article when its singular?
Yes, it is always preceded by an article.
Modal verbs (3)
dovere, potere (always followed by an infinitive) and volere (can be followed by a noun or infinitive).
When dovere is followed by a noun it means:
To owe(Devo cento euro a mia zia.)
sapere takes the direct object pronoun _____ to replace a dependent clause.
loSai chi e Sophia Loren? Si, lo so. E un attrice.
A direct object pronoun immediately _______ the verb even in the negative form.
Verbs that are not followed by a preposition (4) therefore take a direct object.
ascoltare, aspettare, guardare, cecareCerchi la ricetta?Si, la cerco. Vi aspetto stasera alle otto.
When a direct or indirect object is the object of an infinitive, it is attached to _____
the infinitive which drops the final -e. Non desidero vederla. (I don’t wish to see her.)
With these verbs, the object (direct or indirect) pronoun can be placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive: (4)
potere, volere, dovere, sapere
A direct object pronoun attaches to the expression Ecco!?
YesEccolo! Here he is!
The negative form is expressed:
non in front of the auxiliary verb (non ho avuto tempo.)
The past participle of the passato prossimo conjugated with avere must agree in gender and number with _______ preceding it and __________.
the direct object pronouns: lo, la, li, le and “ne”Hai comprato il giornale? Si, l’ho comprato. No, non l’ho comprato.Hai comprato la rivista? Si, l’ho comprata. No, non l’ho comprata. Hai comprati i biglietti? Si, li ho comprati. No, non li ho comprati. Hai comprati le vitamine? Si, le ho comprate. No, non le ho comprate. Avete mangiato molte mele? Si, ne abbiamo mangiate molte. (Yes, we ate many of them.)
Nel passato prossimo, which verbs are conjugated with the auxiliary essere?
Most intransitive verbs (verbs that don’t take a direct object), verbs that translate to: coming, going, to stay, and reflexive verbs, and reciprocal verbs.
When conjugating il passato prossimo with the auxiliary essere:
The past participle must agree in gender and number.
AM/PM (4)
di mattina, del pomeriggio, di sera, di notte
At what time?
A che ora?
In the morning
La mattinaEsempio: La mattina vado in biblioteca. (In the morning I go to the library.)
in the afternoon
il pomeriggio
in the evening
la seraEsempio: La sera guardiamo la TV. (In the evening, we watch TV.)
at night
la notte
sharp, precisely
in punto
ahead of time, early
in anticipo, presto (used with essere in the impersonal: e presto)Esempio: Franco e uscito presto ed e arrivato a scuola in anticipo. (Franco left early and arrived at school early.)
on time
in orarioEsempio: Il treno e in orario. (The train is on time.)
in ritardo, tardi (used with essere only in the impersonal: e tardi)
time (3)
tempo, ora, volteNon ho tempo. (I don’t have time.)Che ora e? (What time is it?)Tre volte al giorno. (Three times a day.)
If a reflexive verb is used in an infinitive form, the appropriate reflexive pronoun is attached to the ______ after dropping the final -e.
infinitiveE.g. Desidero divertimi. (I want to enjoy myself.)Non dobbiamo alzarci presto. (We don’t have to get up early.)Oggi preferisce riposarsi. (Today she prefers to rest.)
With the following verbs (3), the reflexive pronoun may be placed before the conjugated verb.
dovere, potere, volereE.g. Voglio alzarmi. Mi voglio alzare. (I want to get myself up.)
When an action involves parts of the body or clothing, Italian uses the reflexive construction and the _______ article instead of the possessive adjective.
definiteE.g. Mi lavo le mani. (I wash my hands.)Mi metto il vestito rosso. (I put on my red dress.)
Reciprocal verbs use the reflexive form but only _____ pronouns.
ci, si, viE.g. Lia e Gino si salutano. (Lia and Gino greet one another.)Noi ci scriviamo spesso, ma voi non vi scrivete mai. (We write to each other often, but you never write to each other.)
Indirect object pronouns precede the verb except for _________.
In negative sentences, ____ precedes the pronoun.
to form an adverb out of an adjective:
adjective (feminine form) + “mente” = adverbAdjectives ending in “e” drop the “e” (facilmente)
Re + verb =
Perform verb again
The gerundio is only used for the _____ tense
rispondere and telefonare take _______, unlike in English.
indirect objects. (Quando telefoni a Lucia? Le telefono stasera.)