Italian Grammar: Indefinite Adjectives & Pronouns Flashcards
What are indefinite adjectives used to express?
They express indefinite qualities or quantities and can be used with people or things.
List the seven most common indefinite adjectives.
Singular Plural
ogni - every qualche - some, a few
qualunque - any alcuni/e - some, a few
tutto/a/i/e - all, every
Which indefinite adjectives are always singular and therefore only used with singular nouns?
qualche, ogni, and qualunque.
Which indefinite adjective is always plural and therefore only used with plural nouns?
To what do indefinite pronouns refer?
Indefinite pronouns refer to unspecified people and things.
List the six most common indefinite pronouns.
orguno - everyone, everybody, each one
qualcuno - someone
qualche cosa / qualcosa - something, anything
alcuni/e - some, a few
tutti/e - everyone, everybody, all
tutto - everything
What is the correct preposition to use with Qualche cosa / qualcosa when using it with an adjective?
di (and it is considered masculine)
C’è qualcosa di bello nella tua città?
What is the correct preposition to use with Qualche cosa / qualcosa when using it with an infinitive?
C’è qualcosa da fare la sera in montagna?
every (adj)
ogni (adj)
any (adj)
qualunque (adj)
all, every (adj)
tutto/a/i/e (adj)
some, a few (adj)
qualche -or- alcuni/e (adj)
everyone, everybody, each one (pronoun)
orguno (pronoun)
someone (pronoun)
qualcuno (pronoun)
something, anything (pronoun)
qualche cosa / qualcosa (pronoun)
some, a few (pronoun)
alcuni/e (pronoun)
everyone, everybody, all (pronoun)
tutti/e (pronoun)
tutto (pronoun)