Italian Expressions Flashcards
To be worth it
It’s worth it
Valerne la pena
Ne vale la pena
Not to be able to take it anymore!
I can’t take this job anymore!
non poterne più
non ne posso più di questo lavoro!
Don’t hold it against me
Non volermene
To leave, go away
It’s late, I’am going home
At what time did they leave?
E tardi, me ne vado a casa
A che ora se ne sono andati
Not to care
I don’t care, don’t give a damn
What do you care?
Non me ne frega niente
Che te ne frega?
to be upset, mad at somebody
my sister is mad to death at me!
mia sorella ce l’ha a morte con me!
Manage to do something
I managed to pass the test
I can’t take it anymore
Ce l’ho fatta a passare l’esame
Non ce la faccio piu!
to do one’s best
I’ll do my best to learn italian
mettercela (tutta)
ce la metterò tutta per imparate l’italiano
to care a lot about
I care a lot about my family
tenerci (a)
ci tengo molto alla mia famiglia
OK, fine, sure
ci sta
Gof forbid! That’s all we need!
Ci mancherebbe!
I’ll take care of it
Ci penso io
My goodness! for goodness sake!
Per carità!
Let’s hope for the best!
Speriamo in bene!
Of course! Certainly!
What do you think about it?
How does that sound?
Che te ne pare?
that’s not the point, what does it have to do with it!
che (cosa) c’entra!
I gave a bad impression of myself
ho fatto una brutta figura
to feel guilty
sentirsi in colpa
It’s not completely my fault
non è tutta colpa mia
you drive me crazy!
mi fai impazzire!
to get along, to agree
andare d’accordo
I am starving
Sto morendo di fame
from bad to worth
(from the frying pan into the embers)
della padella nella brace