ITA: Final Flashcards
Which of the following Microsoft Office applications is used to produce documents, including memos, newsletters, forms, brochures?
Which of the following is NOT something for which the Accessibility Checks?
Are there too many words?
Which alignment spreads the text evenly between the left and right margins so that text begins at the left margin and ends uniformly at the right margin?
Word’s __________ feature helps you customize how tracked changes are displayed in your document.
A(n) ___________ is a citation or note that is placed at the bottom of a page.
When using Word, to select a paragraph, you ________.
triple-click in the paragraph
Word’s __________ feature automatically moves words to the next line when the right margin is reached.
word wrap
A __________ is the basic element of a PowerPoint.
A group of slides is called a _________.
Which of the following views would you use to simultaneously display multiple slides and easily change the order of the slides, or to delete one or more slides?
Slide sorter
Which of the following views would you use to deliver a presentation using two monitors simultaneously?
Which of the following options allow you to insert an image in a shape?
Picture fill
What do you do if you need to modify or delete the individual pieces of a group?
When objects are layered, the order of the layering is called the ________.
stacking order
The Accounting Number Format displays ____.
the dollar sign at the left edge of the cell
two decimal places for the numeric value, with a column of values aligned on the decimal point
all of the above
If A1=2, B2=3, and C3=10, the resulting value of =A1-B2+C3/10 is ____.