It's the first of the month Flashcards
to evict
to force (someone) to leave a place
to see the light at the end of the tunnel
to feel hopeful because you feel a bad time is about to end
an installment
- any one of a series of small payments that you make over a long time until you have paid the total cost of something
- any one of several parts of a long book, television program, etc., that are published or shown over a period of time
due (adj.)
- required or expected to happen : expected to be in a particular place at a particular time
- a : expected to be born / b : expected to give birth
- having reached the date by which payment is required
- used to say that someone should be given something or has earned something
income (noun: count / non-count)
money that is earned from work, investments, business, etc.
economic relief pckage
a huge amount of money/resources that the government commits to helping corporations, companies, small businesses and individuals financially during a period of crisis
drown (verb)
1a. (intr.) to die by being underwater too long and unable to breathe
1b. (tr.) to hold (a person or animal) underwater until death occurs
2. (tr.) to cover (something) completely with a liquid
3. (tr.) to cause (something or someone) not to be heard by making a loud noise — usually + out
4. (intr.) to experience or be affected by too much of something : to be overwhelmed by something — usually + in
unemployment (noun)
- the state of not having a job
- the total number of people who do not have jobs in a particular place or area
- US : money paid by the government to someone who does not have a job (______ payments / benefits)
swamp (noun / verb)
- (noun) land that is always wet and often partly covered with water
- (verb) to cause (someone or something) to have to deal with a very large amount of things or people at the same time — usually used as (be) swamped
discouraging (adj.)
causing loss of hope or confidence
landlord (noun)
a person who owns a house, apartment, etc., and rents it to other people
playbook (noun)
[count] American football: a book that contains descriptions of the different offensive and defensive plays that are used by a team
scramble (verb)
1a. (intr.) to move or climb over something quickly especially while also using your hands + preposition
1b (intr.) b : to move or act quickly to do, find, or get something often before someone else does
2. (tr.) to prepare (eggs) by mixing the white and yellow parts together and then stirring the mixture in a hot pan
3. (tr.) to put (parts of something) in the wrong order
4. (tr.) to change (a radio or electronic signal) so that whoever receives it will not be able to understand it
cash flow (noun)
the movement of money in and out of a business
-backed (combined form)
supported by a particular group, organization, etc.
mortgage (noun / verb)
- (noun) a legal agreement in which a person borrows money to buy property (such as a house) and pays back the money over a period of years
- (tr. verb) to give someone a legal claim on (property that you own) in exchange for money that you will pay back over a period of years
defer (verb)
- (tr.) to choose to do (something) at a later time
- (+ to + someone) to allow (someone else) to decide or choose something
- (+ to + something) to agree to follow (someone else’s decision, a tradition, etc.)
tenant (noun)
a person, business, group, etc., that pays to use another person’s property : someone who rents or leases a house, apartment, etc., from a landlord
tack (verb)
- (tr.) to fasten or attach (something) with small, sharp nails usually with wide, flat heads
- (tr.) to add on or attach (something) in a quick or careless way — usually + on or onto
affluent (adj.)
having a large amount of money and owning many expensive things : rich, wealthy
withstand (verb)
- (tr.) to not be harmed or affected by (something)
2. (tr.) to deal with (something, such as an attack or criticism) successfully
disrupt (verb)
noun = disruption; adj. = disruptive; adv. = disruptively
(tr.) to cause (something) to be unable to continue in the normal way : to interrupt the normal progress or activity of (something)
security deposit (noun)
(count) an amount of money that you pay when you begin to rent property (such as an apartment) and that can be used to pay for any damage that you cause to the property