It's A Wonderful Life Confession Scene Flashcards
“The library?!” George! George, you go and see Mary, you hear.
Hello, George.
Hello, Mary. I just happened to be passing by.
Your mother just phoned and said you were on your way over to pay me a visit.
My mother just called you? Well, how did she know?
I didn’t tell anybody. I just went for a walk and happened to be passing by…What do you…Went for a walk, that’s all. When did you get back?
Tuesday…Would you like to come in?
Say, where’d you get that dress?
Do you like it?
It’s all right. I thought you’d go back to New York with Sam and Francie and the rest of them.
Oh, I worked there a couple of vacations, but I don’t know…I guess I was homesick.
Homesick for Bedford Falls?
Yes, and my family and…oh, everything. Would you like to sit down?
All right, for a minute. I still can’t understand it though.You know I didn’t tell anybody I was coming here.
Would you rather leave?
No, I don’t want to be rude.
It was nice about Harry and Ruth, wasn’t it?
Oh..yeah, yeah. That’s all right.
Don’t you like her?
Well, of course I like her. She’s a peach.
Ohhh. It’s just marriage in general you’re not enthusiastic about, huh?
Mary! Mary! Who is out there with you?
It’s George Bailey, mother.
George Bailey! What does he want?!
I don’t know. What do you want, George?
Me? Not a thing. I just came in to get warm.
He’s making out with me, Mother!
Your mother needn’t- You know I didn’t come here for-to…to…
What did you come here for?
I don’t know. You tell me! You’re supposed to be the one who has all the answers. You tell me!
Oh, why don’t you go home?!
Mary! The telephone! It’s Sam!
I’ll get it. Hee-haw! Hello, Sam, how are you?
Aw, great. Gee, it’s good to hear your voice again.
Oh, well, that’s awfully sweet of you, Sam. There’s an old friend of yours here, George Bailey.
You mean old moss-back George?
Yes, old moss-back George.
Hee-haw! Put him on.
Wait a minute, I’ll call him, George! (Pull him back over)
No, wait a minute. I want to talk to both of you. Tell Mary to get on the extension.
Mother’s on the extension.
I am not!
We can both hear you. George just put your head a little closer.
There, that’s better. We’re listening, Sam.
That so? Well, I’ll tell him. Hey, that sounds great. Oh, baby, I knew you’d come through. Now, here’s the point, George. I may have a job for you, that is, unless you are still married to the old broken down Building and Loan…Oh, Mary?
I’m here.
You tell that guy I’m giving him a chance of a lifetime, you hear?
He says it’s the chance of a lifetime.
Now you listen to me, Mary! I don’t want any plastics! And I don’t want any job. I don’t want to get married-ever-to anyone! You understand that?
I want to do what I want to do and you’re…you’re not going to…Oh, Mary…
Oh, Mary…I love you…
George, I love you, too…