Issues of Relationships Flashcards
MUSLIM- Traditional views, patriarchal society
“A man is the guardian of his family and is responsible for his subjects; a woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and of his children and is responsible for them”
- Hadith Sahih Bukhari
CHRISTIAN - Marriage
“a man would leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh”
- Mark 10:6
CHRISTIAN - MArriage vows
“For better for worse”
“in sickness and in health”
“till death do us part”
MUSLIM - Marriage
“He created for you from yourself mates that you may find tranquillity in them”
- Qur’an 30:21
CHRISTIAN - Adultery
“You shall not commit adultery”
- Exodus 20:14
MUSLIM - Adultery
“Do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and evil as way”
- Qu’ran 17:32
“What god has joined together, let no one separate”
- Mark 10:9
MUSLIM - Divorce
“Of all things permitted divorce is most hated by Allah”
- Prophet Muhammed (saw)
CHRISTIAN - Same-sex relationships
“If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with women, bot of them have done what is detestable”
- Leviticus 20:13
MUSLIM - Same-sex relationships
“Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather you are transgressing people.”
- Qur’an 7:80