issues in the study of personality- lecture 2 Flashcards
4 main approaches
- psychoanalytic (freud)- does your childhood influence personality?
- dispositional/biological (allport, eysneck, cattell, costa & mcrae)- are personality traits inherited?
- behavioural/learning (skinner, bandura, mischel)- do you learn you personality and what from?
- humanistic (rogers and maslow), cognitive (kelly)- do you havechoice about your personality?
what is a personality theory
system of related ideas to explain development, structure and functioning of personality
criteria for evaluating theories of personality
- empirical validity
- parsimony
- comprehensiveness
- internal consistency
- testability
- usefulness
- acceptability
empirical validity
what degree is the theory supported by evidence from observations
is it the simplest explanation possible
how much bredth does the theory cover
internal consistency
are its prepositions and assumptions consistent and fit togetehr in coherent larger explanation
how well and easily is the theory supported or refuted
do methods of personality assessment and techniques of inducing change provide a measure of the practical usefulness of the personality theory
must be accepted by other theorists
criteria not acceted
- correctedness
- implicit theories of personality- own thoughts