issues and debates - nature vs nurture Flashcards
define the nature-nurture debate
It is concerned with the extent to which aspects of behaviour are a product of inherited or acquired characteristics.
define what is meant by nature ?
They believe that human characteristics are innate and as a result of heredity.
define what is meant by heredity
This is the genetic transmission of mental and physical material from one generation to the next.
what do empiricists suggest ?
They believe that the mind is a blank slate, human characteristics are learnt and as a result of the environment.
define what is meant by the environment ?
This is any influence on human behaviour that is non-genetic. This many range from pre-natal influences in the womb through to cultural and historical influences at a societal level.
what is meant by heritability coefficient
This is used to assess heredity. It is a numerical figure ranging from 0 to 1.0. It indicates the extent to which a characteristic has a genetic basis.
who identified different levels of the environment
Richard Lerner.
what are the different levels of the environment
Pre-natal terms (mothers physical and psychological state during pregnancy )
and post-natal experiences (social conditions of child)
explain the interactionist approach
This is the idea that nature and nurture are linked to such an extent that it does not make sense to separate the two, so researchers instead study how they interact and influence each other.
why is it difficult to use twin studies in the nature + nurture debate
It is unknown whether high concordance rates are a result of shared genetic relatedness or shared upbringing
what does the diathesis stress model suggest
The model suggests that psychopathology is caused by a biological/genetic vulnerability (the diathesis) which is only expressed when coupled with a biological or environmental trigger (the stressor)
what did tienari et al show in terms of diathesis stress model ?
Tienari et al (2004) who found that in a group of Finnish adoptess those most likely to develop schizophrenia had biological relatives with the disorder (the vulnerability) and had relationships with their adoptive families that were defined as ‘dysfunctional’ (the trigger
what is epigenetics ?
This refers to the change in our genetic activity without changing our genetic code.
It is a process that happens throughout life and is caused by interaction with the environment.
how are epigenetic marks occurred ?
hey are left by aspects of our lifestyle and the events we encounter for example smoking, diet, pollution, war
what can epigenetic marks do ?
tell our bodies which genes to ignore and which genes to use.
may go on and influence the genetic code of our children and our children’s children.
what does epigenetics do in terms of nature nurture debate
It introduces a third element to the nature-nurture debate; the life experience of previous generations.
what did dias and ressler do and find
male lab mice
ectric shocks every time they were exposed to the smell of acetophenone
mice showed a fear rejection
so did their children and their grandchildren
limitation of nature (controversy)
belief inherited genetic make-up determines our characteristics and behaviours -controversy
eg Governments have attempted to link race, genetics and intelligence
eugenics policy sterelisation of feeble-minded individuals in America
nature -> carefully considered
make sure
assumptions are not used incorrectly in society.
limitation of nurture (behaviour shaping)
may lead to bad outcomes
Desirable behaviours are selectively reinforced and undesirable behaviour are punished or ignored.
if too far - assumptions may lead to society that manipulates its society using these techniques
removes free will -> ethical issue
limitation for nature (twin studies)
twin studies rely on that only difference between MZ & DZ twins is genetic similarity
environmental influences may mean that MZ twins are more similar
treated more similarly that DZ twins -> look the “same”
difference in concordance rates -> due to nurture rather than nature
limitation for nature (twin studies)
twin studies rely on that only difference between MZ & DZ twins is genetic similarity
environmental influences may mean that MZ twins are more similar
treated more similarly that DZ twins -> look the “same”
difference in concordance rates -> due to nurture rather than nature
limitation for both
support for interactionist approach
more realist way of considering influences on behaviour
PKU is caused by the inheritance of two recessive genes. If the child is diagnosed early, -> placed on a low protein diet for the first 12 years, which helps to revert this disorder
disorder PKU (nature) is not expressed, -> due to altered environment
nature and nurture interact to impact on behaviour. - interactionist approach