Issues and debates Flashcards
Evaluate gender bias, controlled exp
-gender bias is emphasised by male psych by using controlled lab experiment
-label females as irrational by using quant data
-suggest using qualitative data as interviews to understand more female behaviour
-negative consequence for women when genaralising beyond setting
Evaluate gender bias , suggesting females and males should be studied diff emphasises ..
-there are gender differences and there is bias
-research is not fully objective as we all have a gender
-research should take gender bias into consideration
-eg Milgram studied obedience using a male sample only cause his aim was specific to nazi soldiers who were male
-minimises gender differences, generalise findings of behaviour to both genders
Evaluate gender bias , prac apps
-PA in society, by having MP can
-identify differences between females and males
-research found females to be less effective leaders than males
-tranining programs to reduce lack of female leaders
-gender bias findings can be used to reduce discrimination
Evaluate ethnocentrism . IQ
-outdated/ VAn ijzendoorn
-research in IQ show MP
-iq tests have been developed in western worl d, not sutable for other cultures
-iq tests reinforce western superiority leading to discrimination in immagration policy
- cultural relative IQ tests do not exist , showing cultural bias differences
-outdated concept
-viewing as ind/collectivit is a lazy generalisation as there are many similarities in cultures due to media influences
-Van ijzendoorn research found there is 150% greater variation within cultures than in between
-concept of culture bias lacks validity , research should focus more on economic pressures
Outline and evaluate cultural relativism.(8 marks)
1.beh varies between cultures R/W behaviour, within a culture , and social norms are cultural relatives
3.T- DSN, definitions of abnormalities varies due to diff cultures having diff social norms
-definition of abnormalities lack cultural relativism
-DSN is MP, is based on social norms and diff cultures have diff norms, diff expectations of behaviour
-eg hearing voices
-due to MP shouldnt use manuals to diagnose MHD
-research should consider diff between MP and universality
-some behaviours are still similar in diff cultures
-eg Ainsworth research in attachment types showed diff child rearing practices
-however SECURE att was still most common between all cultures
- research should consider both universality and MP understand HB
Evaluate free will and determinism . 3 peels
-free will more +ve stance, locus
- determinism : pract apps
-scientific methods
compare free will vs deterministic
-believing in free will and self control takes a more +ve stance to expl human behaviour
-choice , +ve effect on mental health
-eg internal locus are more mentally healthy vs to external locus of control > prone to dp
-thinking of having free will positively impacts the mind/behaviour
-deterministic due to knowing the cause of a behaviour has prac apps
-eg SZ is due to principle of high levels of DA leading to treatments of drug therapy
-UNLIKE you choose to get diagnosed with SZ
-explaining HB using a deterministic stance plays an important part in applied psych
-using deterministic explanations to human behaviour a strength as it uses scientific methods
-for example the genetic explanation and neural correlate explanation SZ examine behaviour of SZ using brains scans and gene mapping
-empirical and objective methods to measure HB
Evaluate the nature-nurture debate. 3 peels
-X nature >not full expl > MZ twins
-risk factors in addiction
-nature side of debate cannot be seen as a full explanation as genes were the cause of behaviour
-MZ twins who share 100% genetic info they would have 100 concordance rate as the genetic expl of OCD suggests
-same for SZ, only share 48% conc rate
-must be other factors that determine tahta affcet the HB (sz and ocd) as the environment
-expl HB using the interactionistic apparoach as it suggest HB as SZ is due both environment and genetics
-tierrari found that adoptees who had a genetic predisposition and also a dysfunctional family inenviromnet were more like to develop SZ
-supports interactionism as both side of the debates should be considered when expl HB
-nature nurture debate could also be used to explain risk factors in addciction
-an individual may develop a nicotine addiction (nature) = few D2 receptors , determined by genes
-nurture + environment family influences, peers , stress
Evaluate holism vs reductionistic debate. 3 peels
same peels as genetic expl to SZ
-X holistic approaches are unscientific like humanism approach
-as behaviour because more complex , more vague and every human experiences is diff , more diff to measure scientifically
-UNLIKE reductionistic expl such as the genetic expl to OCD can investigate OCD using empirical and objective methods as gene mapping
-PRAC APPS > treatments
-studying behaviour from the basic units
-oversimplifies behaviour
-NA may not just due to DA, D2 receptors and activation of brain reward pathway system
-due to peers or fam, stress
Idiographic vs nomothetic . AO1 comparison
- N- I E-individual cases , subj experiences when studying HB , using qual data as case studies and self report methods
T -psychodynamic approach is based more on individual cases of the unconscious which drives HB large groups, quant as experiment, to make general laws about HB
-hypothesis are created and tested under controlled experiments
-eg Skinner investigated rats to make general lawas about learning theory
use self report vs controlled lab exp
-in depth qual data vs quant data
- a stance of both approaches
–self report subjective and open to bias
-unlike empirical and obj methods as labs high controlover extraneous variables to establish laws about HB
-in depth data as it focuses on subj exp
-patient Eb suffered from amnesia and proved that there are diff stores within the STM
-woudnt be possible with larger samples
-IDIO is more effective
Ethical implications in research.(16 marks)
- ethical implications refers to when psych research may have a direct impact on ppts if the research is published
2.socially sensitive > social consequences on the ppl represented implications is how valid the findings research , eg research may be presented objectively but may used fraud methods and it goes on influence policies.
4.another ethical implication is effect of findings on ppts, keep confidential and debrief
-Bowlby mat dep theory
-mother separation has influenced social policy
-mother stay more at home to look after children
-negative consenquences on women feeling inade/unworthy
-the validity has been criticised cause it is biased , support his own theory
Dysfunctional family explanation has ethical implications, family is cause of SZ,
-parents may feel guilt when taking care of a patient
-pract apps > family therapy
-positive and negative consequence on patients