Issac/Jacob/Moses Flashcards
Who were Isaac’s kids?
Twin boys Jacob and Esau
Who’s name means heel and why?
Jacob because he was grasping Esau’s heel when he was born.
Who is older?
Who originally had the birthright blessing?
Esau because he was older
What did Jacob do to Esau?
Stole his birthright blessing?
How was the birthright blessing stolen?
Jacob dressed like Esau and asked Isaac to give him the blessing
What happens after the birthright blessing is stolen?
Jacob is pushed by Rebekah to go live with his uncle, and he does
What is Jacob’s uncle named?
What is Jacob’s wages for working for his uncle?
To marry Rachel
What were Laban’s daughter’s names?
Leah and Rachel
Who was the beautiful daughter of Laban?
How long did Jacob agree to work for to marry Rachel?
7 years
When Jacob has worked the 7 years to marry Rachel, what happens?
Jacob was tricked into marrying Leah instead.
How many more years after his first marriage does Jacob work to marry Rachel?
7 more years
What was Laban’s excuse for tricking Jacob?
It is against custom to have the younger daughter marry first
Who is the older one of Laban’s daughters?
How many children does Jacob have?
What does Jacob change his name to?
Why were the Egyptians afraid of the Israelites?
They had become so numerous that the land was filled with them
The Egyptians forced the Israelites to be their what?
How did the Pharaoh stop the growth of the Israelite people?
Ordered the death of all the newborn Israelite boys?
How did Moses live the order of the death of the Israelite newborn boys?
His mom put him in a waterproof basket and sent him down the river.
Who was watching over Moses as he sailed down the river?
His sister
Who found Moses and adopted him?
Pharaoh’ daughter
What happened when Moses witnessed a Hebrew slave being beaten by and Egyptian?
He killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand
Did people know about Moses killing the Egyptian?
Where did Moses go after everyone found about his killing?
When he arrived, he sat down by a what?
Who was at the well?
7 sisters being bullied by foreign shepherds
How did the bullying stop?
Moses stood up for them
Who were the seven sisters father?
Who did Moses marry
One of Jethro’s daughter, Zipporah
How did God speak to Moses
Through a burning bush?
What was weird about the burning bush?
it was not being consumed
What does God say through the burning bush?
To go to Egypt and free the Israelites out of slavery
What did God ask Moses to do at the burning bush?
Remove his shoes beach a it was holy grounds
How does God reply when Moses asks for his name?
“I AM”
God assure that he will do what for Moses in Egypt?
Be with him
What was a sign of God’s greatness while he was in Egypt?
His staff
Who is Moses’s “brother” that speaks for him while he’s in Egypt
Does Moses agree to go to Egypt?
He’s and he brings his wife and sons
Who is Moses’ Egyptian brother?
Who was Phraoh at the time of Moses’s trip to Egypt
How does the Pharaoh reply to their first request to free the slaves?
He doesn’t know their Lord and won’t let the people go
How does Pharaoh punish Moses for asking to free the slaves?
Doubles their workload
What did Moses do with his staff before the Pharaoh the first time and what happens?
It turns into a snake and the pharaoh’s magicians do the same
Who’s family was surprisingly struck by the death plague?
What were the plague’s in order?
Water to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, disease, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and death of the first born
How did the Israelite people pass by the death plague
Painted lamb’s blood on their doors
When did Pharaoh give permission for the slaves to be free?
After the death plague and his son died
What happens after the Israelite people are finally freed and on their way?
The Pharaoh regrets his decision and sends his army to bring them back
Why does the Pharaoh need the slaves?
No progress and bad economy
What body of water did the Phaaroh’s army catch up with Moses?
Red Sea
What happened as the Israelites went across the sea?
The water parted and they were able to cross?
What happened as the Pharaoh’s army tried to cross the Red Sea?
The water came down on them and they drowned?
After weeks of traveling, what was the Israelites moods in the desert?
Grumpy, hungry, tired and thirsty?
Who did the Israelites blame for their situation in the desert after they were freed and traveling?
God and Moses
How did God give the Israelites food when they were in the desert?
Rained bread down from the heavens
What was the special bread from the heavens called?
How did the Israelites get water when they were in the desert?
Moses struck a rock with his staff and water flowed from it?
What mountain did Moses get the Ten Commandments?
Mount Sinai
What are the rules from God that are for everyone to follow?
The Ten Commandments
Who was Issac’s wife?