ISR Flashcards
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
Dragon Lady
single-seat, single-engine, high-altitude/near space ISR
platform providing Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), and
Measurement and Signature Intelligence
based at the 9th Reconnaissance
Wing at Beale AFB, CA, but operate worldwide
Compass Call
uses noise
jamming to prevent communication or degrade
the transfer of information essential to command
and control of weapon systems and other
resources. The Compass Call system employs
offensive counter-information and electronic
attack (or EA) capabilities in support of U.S. and
Coalition tactical air, surface, and special
operations forces.
operated by
the 55th Electronic Combat Group (ECG) a
tenant unit of the 355 Fighter Wing at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ.
Rivet Joint (RJ)
theater and national level consumers with near real
time intelligence collection, analysis and
dissemination capabilities. The Rivet Joint’s
strengths are primarily related to its on-board sensor
suite, which allows the mission crew to detect,
identify and geolocate signals throughout the
electromagnetic spectrum
permanently based at Offutt Air Force Base, NE.,
and operated by the 55th Wing, using various
forward deployment locations worldwide.
Cobra Ball
flies Joint Chiefs
of Staff-directed missions to collect optical and
electronic data on ballistic targets. Data is used for
arms treaty compliance verification, and
development of U.S. strategic defense and theater
missile defense concepts. The RC-135S, equipped
with a sophisticated array of optical and electronic
sensors, recording media, and communications
permanently based at Offutt Air
Force Base, NE.
Combat Sent
locates and
identifies foreign military land, naval and airborne
radar signals, collects and examines each, and
provides strategic analysis. It records signals for
future reference or for extensive analysis by
electronic systems theorists.
assigned to the 55th Wing at
Offutt AFB, NE
Global Hawk
highaltitude, long-endurance RPA with an integrated
sensor suite that provides the full spectrum of
fused ISR collection capability. The Global
Hawk provides persistent near-real-time
coverage using IMINT, SIGINT and moving
target indicator (MTI) sensors.
multi-mission, medium-altitude, long-endurance
remotely piloted aircraft that is employed
primarily as an intelligence-collection asset and
secondarily against dynamic execution targets.
The Predator carries a multi-spectral targeting
system that integrates an infrared sensor, three
types of full-motion video (FMV) cameras, a
laser designator, and a later illuminator.
Predators are piloted in nearly every
AOR that the DoD operates in today.
armed, multimission, medium-altitude, long-endurance
remotely piloted aircraft that is employed
primarily against dynamic execution targets
and secondarily as an intelligence collection