Isotonic Solution and Buffer Solution Flashcards
Movment (flux) of solvent through a semi-permeable membrane (SPM) from lower conc. to higher conc. solute in an attempt to equalize the concentration of solute on both sides of SPM
Osmotic Pressure
The force that drives the flux and achieves equal osmotic pressure on both sides of SPM
- One of the Colligative Properties associated with physical chemistry of solution: depend on
– Degree of dissociation
– Concentration of solute in solution
Colligative (collected together) Properties
- Osmotic pressure
- Freezing point depression- like osmotic pressure, relecant to isotonicity calculation
- Boiling point elevation
- Vapor pressure lowering
All 4 properties depend on the # of species in solution - Species: both ions dissociated and uncharged species(undissociated)
– so NaCI = 1 species
– Na + CI = 2 species
Colligative Properties is based on
- Concentration of solute in solution
- The degree of dissociation (determines the number of ions and uncharged species in solution)
For Non-Electrolytes that dissociate to a tiny degree when dissolved in aqueous solution; the OP is a direct function of:
- The concentration of solute in solution (if we assume the DOD is zero)
For electrolytes, the OP is a function of BOTH the Conc, of solute and it’s DOD
- The greater the Conc. of Solute and the greater the DOF the greater will be the osmotic pressure.
– This is because all colligative properties are a function of # of dissociated and undissociated species in solution
Two solution that have the same osmotic pressure. Many solution intended to come in contract with body fluids need to be iso-osmotic because:
- Reduces inflammation and associated pain and discomfort
- Enhance drug efficiency
- Reduce risk of ADRs
- Promote patient adherence
A solution that has the same osmotic pressure as a specific physiological fluid. The body fluids to which isotonicity is referenced are:
- Blood (plasma, serum)
- Lachrymal fluids (tears)-can cause tissue necrosis
Solutions that are Isotonic
When we indicate that
- 0.9% NaCl (normal saline solution)
- 5% Dextrose (D5W)
solutions are isotonic we mean that they are isotonic in blood and tears
- D10W is not Isotonic
- Solution have a lower osmotic pressure than physiological fluids
- Will cause hemolysis of RBC (swell and burst) and other cells
- Ex) 1L of sterile water for injection in the bloodstream => massive hemolysis => death
(sterile water cause sever hemolysis, coma, and even death=> only when drugs are compounded Bol
- Solutions having higher osmotic pressure than physiological fluids
- Will cause cells to shrink (crenation)
– Equally as bas as causing cells to swell
Swelling in brain=> reduce water by using 3%NaCI hypertonic (be careful of how fast, how long, and how you infuse it)
Parenteral and Ophthalmic solutions need to isotonic
- Less tissue irritation and discomfort
- Avoid excess tear formation in ophthalmic drops; avoid washing away API in eye drop
- Minimize hemolysis in RBCs with large volume parentera (LVP)l infusion
- Avoid electrolyte imbalance in blood
LVP infusion precautions
- SWFI (sterile water for injection) in LVP volumes must be labeled “not for infusion or injection)
- Bottles, bags from 100 to 1000mL LVPs must be isotonic
Exception to the rule that solution in contact with body fluids need to isotonic
- Small vol injection (SC or IM) preferable to be isotonic ut if small non repeatable vol then not a problem (less)
- Osmotic diuresis: to drain fluid from brain use HYPERTONIC solution to drawn water out of tissue or organ
Freezing Point Depression (FPD) - Non electrolyte (doesn’t dissociate)
- Colligative property
- The freezing point of water is 0 C.
- The freezing point of SERUM and LACHRYMAL fluid is (-0.52 C-important) This is the FPD caused by solute that make physiological fluid isotonic
- If one gram MW of NON-ELCTROLYTE is added to 1000ml water, the freezing point is (-1.86 C)
Ex) what % of H3BO3 (MW=61) will yield an isotonic solution - (61.8/1.86)=(xg/0.52)=17.28g
– (17.28g/1000ml)=(xg/100ml) 1.73g or 1.73%
Electrolytes like NaCI
- Must factor degree of dissociation (the greater the DOD the fewer farms of electrolytes will be needed to produce an isotonic solution)
Assumption: Strong electrolytes like NaCI are 80% dissociated (20% as NaCI)=> 100 molecules produce 180 particles or 1.8 X the # of molecules - Dissociation factor = I =1.8 => Na = 80, CI = 80,NaCi = 20