Isolation Flashcards
Football game
“Practically the whole school except me that there”
Ward stradlater
“It didn’t Connect”
“So it would split his goddamn throat”
“He was probably scared he’d fracture my skull or something”
Sally hayes
“You give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to know the truth”
“Then, just to show how crazy I am … I told her I loved her and all”
Carl Luce
“Same old caulfield. When are you going to grow up”
“ I refuse to answer any typical caulfield questions tonight, when in hell are you gonna grow up”
Red hunting hat
“ this is a people shooting hat, I shoot people in this hat”
“Red hunting hat on and turned the peak to the back”
“ I couldn’t find my goddamn hunting hat anywhere”
Holden isolating himself
“Almost everytime somebody gives me a present, it ends up making me sad”
“I didn’t want to hang around …anymore”