ISO/IEC 20000 Practicioner Deck APMG-QA Branding - Clauses 1-4 Flashcards
6 elements of an SMS, required for the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services?
- service management policies
- objectives
- plans
- processes
- documentation
- resources required
How are Processes related to Procedures?
Processes should be linked to and supported by one or more procedures
Name 7 reasons of why an orgnisation should implement ISO/IEC 20000?
- businessrequirement, as ISO 9001
- Hard evidence that quality of SM is taken seriously
- Significant milestone for a service provider
- Helps Staff morale
- Helps enforce process compliance
- Business will operate more effectively
- A method of review and assessment linked to continual improvement
Terms and Definitions (3)
What is a Service?
A means of delivering value for the customer by facilitating results the customer wants to achieve
Terms and Definitions (3)
In ISO20000 terms how does a document compares to a record?
Document provides evidence of intent
Records provide evidence of activity
(examples are Audit reports, incident reports, training records, minutes of meetings)
Terms and Definitions (3)
What is Service Management?
A set of capabilities and processes to direct and control
the service provider’s activities and resources for the
design, transition, delivery and improvement of services to fulfil the service requirements
Terms and Definitions (3)
What is a Service Provider?
The organization (or part of) that manages and delivers a service or services to the customer
What is Service Management System?
A Management System to direct and control the service management activities of the service provider
What is a process?
A set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs
Terms and Definitions (3)
What is the difference between a Process Owner and a Process Manager?
Process Owner ensures that the process, its interfaces to other processes and its integration with SMS is designed, documented and measured
Process Manager is accountable for the operation of the process
What is a procedure?
A specified way to carry out an activity or a process
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Name 7 Benefits of service management
- Continual improvement in the quality of service and increased business and customer confidence
- Reduced long term costs in the development and delivery of IT services
- Reduced risk of not being able to meet business objectives
- Better communication between IT and the business
- Greater productivity and best use of skills and experience
- The ability to absorb a high rate of change
- Best practice guidance to better understand business, roles and processes
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Name 7 challenges when trying to establish and improve an SMS?
- Pre-occupation with mechanics rather than end-product
- Lack of strategy and senior management commitment
- Immature IT organization / inappropriate culture
- Lack of resources and/or skills
- Not sold to the organization
- Lack of a champion
- Not in learning mode
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
What is the objective of an SMS?
To provide a management system, including policies and a framework to enable the effective management and implementation of all IT services
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Management Commitment (4.1)
How does Top Management demonstrate commitment to ‘planning, establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving’ the SMS?
6 Bullets
- Establishing and communicating scope, policy, objectives for service management
- Creation, implementation, and maintenance of plans in line with policy, objectives and service requirements (SR)
- Communicating importance of fulfilling SRs, statutory/regulatory requirements and contractual obligations
- Provision of resources
- Holding management reviews at planned intervals
- Assessing and managing risks to services
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Top management shall ensure that the service management policy (4.1.2):
Name 6 basic characteristics of a Service Management Policy
- Is fit for purpose
- Commits to fulfilling service requirements
- Uses continual improvement to improve effectiveness of SMS and services
- Establishes and reviews SM objectives
- Communicated to the service provider personnel
- Reviewed for continuing suitability
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Management representative (4.1.4)
Top management shall appoint someone from the service provider’s management to have authority and responsibility for 5 key elements:
- To perform the Activities required to identify, document and fulfil service requirements
- To ensure SM processes are designed, implemented and improved according to SM policy
- To ensure Integration of processes with other SMS components
- To ensure that Assets (including licences) required for the service delivery adhere to statutory/regulatory and contractual requirements
- To ensure that SMS, services performance and improvements are reported to top management
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Governance of processes operated by other parties (4.2)
For all SM processes in Clauses 5- 9 operated by other parties,
the service provider shall demonstrate governance of the processes with 4 different actions:
- Demonstrating accountability and authority to require adherence to processes
- Controlling the process definitions and interfaces
- Determining process performance and compliance to requirements
- Controlling the planning and prioritization of process improvements
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Establish & maintain documents (4.3.1)
Service providers shall establish and maintain documents/records to ensure effective planning, operation and control of SMS including 4 elements:
- SM policies, objectives and plans
- Service catalogue and SLAs
- Processes and procedures (required by this standard)
- Any other documents necessary for effective operation of the SMS and delivery of services
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Which 6 types of documents must be included in “Establish and maintain documents” (4.3.1)?
- Service Management policy and objectives
- Service Management Plan
- Documented policies and plans created for specific processes as required by ISO/IEC 20000
- Service Catalogue
- Service Management Processes
- Other procedures and records required by ISO/IEC 20000
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Human resources (4.4.2)
The service provider’s personnel working on conformity to service requirements shall be competent.
The service provider shall (4 actions):
- Determine necessary competence (based on education, training, skills and experience)
- Provide training or other actions to achieve competence and measure effectiveness of actions taken
- Make personnel aware of their contribution towards SM objectives and fulfilment of service requirements
- Keep records of education, training, skills and experience
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Define scope (4.5.1)
What are the 2 mandatory elements of a service management plan?
- The name of the organisational unit providing the services
- The services to be delivered (scope)
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Define scope (4.5.1)
Which other 3 factors could the service provider include in the service management plan?
- Geographic locations from which the service is delivered
- The customer and their location(s)
- Technology being used
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Describe each part of the Deming Cycle.
What is it’s goal?
- Plan Actions - establish the objectives and processes in accordance with customer requirements and organization policies
- Do Actions - implement the processes
- Check actions against plan - monitor and measure processes and services against policies, objectives and requirements and report the results
- Act on findings of review - take actions to continually improve process performance
The goal is steady, ongoing improvement.
It ensures that business and IT continue to align better.
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Plan the SMS (Plan) (4.5.2)
Objective: to plan the implementation and delivery of service management
Service provider shall create, implement, and maintain a service management plan which includes or references the 10 following elements:
- SM scope, objectives and service requirements
- Limitations that might impact SMS
- Policies, standards, statutory/regulatory and contractual requirements
- Framework of authorities, responsibilities, and process roles
- Resources (human, technical, information and financial) necessary to achieve SM objectives
- Approach to working with other parties in various life cycle stages
- Approach to interfaces between SM processes and integration with components of the SMS
- Approach to the management of risks and criteria for risk acceptance
- Technology used to support SMS
- How effectiveness of SMS will be measured, audited, reported and improved
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Implement & operate the SMS (Do) (4.5.3)
Objective: to implement the service management objectives and plan
The service provider shall implement and operate the SMS for the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services according to the SM through 5 activities:
- Allocation and management of funds and budgets
- Assignment of authorities, responsibilities and process roles
- Management of human, technical and information resources
- Identify, assess and manage risks of the services
- Manage service management processes
- Monitoring and reporting on performance of SM activities
Service Management System (SMS) General Requirements (4)
Monitor and review SMS (Check) (
Objective: to monitor measure and review that the service management objectives and plan are being achieved
Service provider shall use suitable methods to monitor, and measure SMS and services including internal audit and management review both of which (4 bullets):
- Document objectives
- Demonstrate ability of SMS and services to meet the SM objectives and fulfil requirements
- Identify nonconformities against this part of the standard, SMS and service requirements
- Results of audits and reviews shall be recorded and actions be communicated to the interested parties
Internal Audit (
Internal audits shall be conducted at planned intervals to determine whether the SMS and services are effectively implemented and maintained and fulfil their requirements. Including:
4 basic characteristics
- Documented procedure, planned audits, with defined criteria, scope, frequency and methods
- Selection and conduct of auditors shall ensure objectivity and impartiality (must not audit their own work)
- Nonconformities communicated, prioritized and responsibilities for actions allocated
- Corrective actions shall be taken without delay with verification of actions taken and results reported
Management Review (
Top management shall review the SMS and services at planned intervals for suitability and effectiveness and determine opportunities for improvement. The input to management Reviews shall include at least information on 6 basic elements:
- Customer feedback, service and process performance and conformity
- Current and future resource requirements in terms of levels and capabilities required
- Risks
- Results and follow up actions from audits and previous reviews
- Status of preventive and corrective actions
- Identified changes and improvement opportunities
Management Review ( (2)
Records of management Reviews shall be maintained. These records shall include at least 2 things:
- Decisions and actions related to resources
- Improvements of the effectiveness of the SMS and the Services
Maintain and improve the SMS (Act) (4.5.5)
General ( (2)
There shall be a documented procedure including (2 bullets):
- Authorities and Responsibilities for identifying, documenting, evaluating, approving, prioritising, managing, measuring and reporting of improvements
- Opportunities for improvement, including corrective and preventive actions
Maintain and improve the SMS (Act) (4.5.5)
General ( (3)
How are nonconformities tackled? (3 bullets: Correction, Prevention, Elimination)
- The cause of identified nonconformities shall be corrected.
2. Recurrence must be prevented.
- Preventive actions shall be taken in order to eliminate the cause of potential nonconformities in order to prevent occurrence.
Maintain and improve the SMS (Act) (4.5.5)
Management of improvements ( (1)
How are improvements handled? (3 bullets: Priorities, Evaluation, planning)
- Opportunities for improvement shall be prioritised
- Evaluation criteria in the policy (on continual improvement) shall be used when making decisions on opoortunities for improvement.
- Approved improvements shall be planned
Maintain and improve the SMS (Act) (4.5.5)
Management of improvements ( (2)
The service provider shall manage improvement activities that include at least:
(5 bullets: Targets, Implementation, Revision, Measurement, Reporting)
- Setting targets for improvements (in one or more of quality, value, capability, cost, productivity, resource utilisation, risk reduction)
- Ensuring approved improvements are implemented
- Revising the service management policies, plans, processes and procedures, where necessary
- Measuring improvements against targets and taking necessary actions when targets are not met
5. Reporting on implemented improvements