ISMS, Epic and Absurd Theatre Flashcards
What is the Realism SoPoCo? (5)
1850s – 1900s
* Scientific Revolution
- objective, cause and effect, observation)
* Industrial Revolution -class divide, urbanisation, mechanisation
* Colonisation
- territorial expansion
* Victorian society
- conservative morality, class divide
* Compte, Darwin, Nietzsche, Freud, Marx
What are Realism Intentions?
To solve social problems by showing an objective slice of life on stage. Challenged moral values and social norms.
Realism Chracteristics (10)
4th wall
- Proscenium Arch +
box set
- Intensive structure
Linear and chronological
- Cause and effect (Compte)
- 3D characters
- Subtext (Freud)
- Detail in set and set
- Contemporary
- Problem play
- Unity of time, place
and action
- Stanislavski
Symbolism Year and place
1880s – 1900s France
Symbolism SoPoCo (7)
First anti-realist movement
- Heightened theatricality
- Move back to subjective
- France
- Darwin, Nietzsche,
Einstein, Freud
- Industrial rev
- Capitalism
Symbolism Intention
Substitute direct statement for suggestion through use of symbols (subjective). Dramatise thoughts, feelings and impressions, plays penetrate surface reality and become metaphors. No attempt to solve social problems.
Symbolism Characteristics (8)
- Mood and atmosphere NB and created by lighting and colour
- Vague plots, poetic language
- Actors like puppets: shows effects of fate
- Movement dance-like
- Stock type characters
- Stage space still a proscenium but has a 3D fluidity
- Impressionistic sets
Expressionism SoPoCo (4)
1910s Germany
- WWI 1914 - 1918 Technology used in war
- Russian Revolution 1917
- Industrial Age
Expressionism Intentions
Protest against materialism, industrialism and effects of Capitalism – destroyers of human spirit. Said industrial age had turned humans into machines with conditioned responses and souls shrivelled by materialistic values. Wanted social change, so themes strongly represented
Futurism SoPoCo (4)
1910s Italy
- WWI 1914 - 1918 Technology used in war
- Russian Revolution 1917
- Industrial age
Futurism Intention
Saw machine age as key to enlightened future. Rejected the past as it stood in the way of progress. Glorified machines.
Futurism Characteristics (8)
Synthetic drama (compressed time and space)
- Simple unrelated scenes shown simultaneously
- Amalgamate the arts
- Confrontations with
- Mix of forms
- Broke 4th wall and
performed in
- Multimedia
- Multiple focuses in
Dadaism SoPoCo (7)
1910s/1920s Switzerland
* Post WWI
* Roaring Twenties
* Economic prosperity * Rise of communism * 1929 Stock Market Crash: worldwide economic recession
Dadaism Intentions
Anti-art, Nihilism: rejection of all certainties, in response to war. Disgust with war and artistic traditions. Spat in the eye of the world. Brought the nature of art into question. Protest against senseless brutality of war.
What are 6 Dadaism Characteristics?
Calculated madness
- Variety of forms
- Simultaneity and
multiple focuses
- No order, no logic, no meaning, no
- Shock audiences
- Rejected
proscenium arch and all forms of traditional staging