Islams: beliefs and teaching Flashcards
“he is god the one”
there is only one god
god is one person cannot be divided
“god the eternal”
has always existed
worship one god
never make anything in life more inportant than god
supremacy of god
gods will is supreme
nothing happens unless god allows it to happen
helps Muslims confidence when something goes wrongs its apart of gods plan
sunni islam
the leader caliph should be elected
only Quran and sunnah Muhammad teachings and actions to provide guidance
abu bakr advisor was rightful leader
six articles of faith main belief
shi’a islam
leader should be a decendant of Muhammad chosen by god
ali cousin was the rightful leader
the five roots of usul ad-din main belief
six articles of faith sunni
- Twahid (only one god)
- angles
- the holy book
- the prophets
- the day of judgement
- the supremany of gods will
the five roots of usul ad-din
- tawhid
2, prophethood - the justice of god (hold peole acaontable on the day of judgement)
- the imamate (12 imams chosen by god)
- Resurrection (muslims will be resurected by judgemtn of god)
quality of god
fair and just
god created the universe, so is beyond and outside of it
is present in everything in the universe and world,
involved within all things within life on earth
benevolent and all loving and caring
all powerful
compationate and mercy
fair and just
treats everyone equaliy
nature and the role of angels
spirtual beigns made by god
constantly serve and praise god
pure and sinless
no free will
able to take humman form to give a message
angel of revealation
recited the quran to Muhammad and contuned to give mesages rest of his life
angel of mercy
responsible for sending rain, thunder, and lighting to earth
bringing nourshment to the earth
god has already determined everything that will happen in the universe
“only what god has decreed will happen to us”
shi’a predestination
god knows everything that is going to happen
day of judgement
muslims believe they have free will tpo make thier own decions and that god judges them for them.
life after death stages
after death a barier
the day of judgment
the world destroyed
heavean and hell
importance of belief in Akhira
encorages muslims to take resposability for their actions
gives hope to muslims who suffers
accsepts unjust situations
what is prophethood
is a gift form god to help humans
when people have fogoten or changed gods meassge he sends down a prophet
god creaed adam form dust.
god gave adam knologe and he taught him the name of things
god told angles to bow out of respect
iblis refused to bow down so god threw him out of paradice. iblis vowed to always tempt humans to sin
god created hawwa to keep adam company
told them not to eat the forbidden fruit
iblis desived them into eating the fruit
god expelled them from the garden
thier actions brought sin into the world
god forgave adam and made him the fisrt prophet
why is adam important
he was important beacuse god gave him knowledge and understanding
adam past on his knowledge to the rest of human kind
taugh obdeices to god
why is ibrahim important
he fufilled all tests abd comands from god
he showed great faith in god
he procliamed belief in the one only god when people worshiped many gods and idols ‘he was a good role model
Muhammee was one of his decendeants
how was prphet ibrahim a good role model
he refused to worship idols and istead preached there was one god.
he took an axe and destroyed all the idols in the temple. people were furios and threw him in fire but he walked out alive.
he rebuilt the kaba
considered to br the holiest place in islam and house of god
he was willing to sacrifce his son to god
(rembered as eid ul-adah many muslims kill an animal to rember his sacrifice)
why is muhammad important
“gods messenger”
revelation of the quran
Muhammed visted the cave to pray and meditate
jibril visted revealing the quran
conquering makkah
after 1st jibril revalation muhammed started to challenge the people of makkah to follow gods teachings
he was perciuted and fled with his folowers to Medinah
he united warring tribes and with help they conquered Mekkah
the night journey
before muhammed feld to medinah jibril took him on a maroucual journet to jerusalem and then into the hevans
in heaven muhammed agreed with god that muslims should pray 5 times a day
holy books
musa -the torah
david -the pslams
isa -the gospel
ibrahim -the scrolls of abrahham