Islamic Beliefs Flashcards
The basic Muslim belief in the oneness of God
Also known as risalah, is the term used of the messangers of Allah, starting with Adam and ending with Prophet Muhammad.
Actions or things that are permitted within Islam such as eating permitted foods
Actions or things that are forbidden in Islam
Means to strive for Allah there are two types of Jihad.
Greater Jihad
The daily struggle striving to be a good Muslim
Lesser Jihad
A physical struggle or “holy war” in the defence of Islam
“Fight in the way of Allah” Quran
Its a communal place of worship for the Muslim community
Also known as straight path, is the way of life.
Muslims believe that God has set out a clear path for how a Muslim should live their life.
Shariah law is a set of rules and moral principles set out by the Quran and Hadith.
The Islamic community,it is the worldwide community of Muslims who share a common religious identity.
Six articles of Faith (Sunni)
Belief in God-Allah (Tawhid) Belief in his angels- (Malaikah) Belief in his holy books- (Kutub) Belief in his messangers- (Risalah) Belief in the Day of Judgement-Afterlife (Akhirah) Belief in predestination- (Al-Qadr)
Five Foundations of faith/Usul-al-din(Shia)
Tawhid-Oneness of God
Prophethood (Nubuwwah)-Providing a guide through prophets
God is Just and wise (Adl/Adalah)-Allah cannot do wrong and holds humans accountable for their actions
Leadership (Imamate)- Belief that all imams should be spiritual descendents of Prophet Muhammad
The Resurrection (Qayamat)- On the day of Jugdement, where everyone is brought back to life and questioned about their good and bad deeds
Nature of Allah
Immanence- God is always close “We are closer to him than his jugular vein”Quran
Transcendence- God is beyond everything and not limited by rules
Omnipotence- All-powerful
Beneficence- Kind and loves all
Mercy- Always fair and forgives us if sorry
Fairness- God is fair
Justice-God is just
Prophethood (Risalah)
Allah has sent many prophets over the years to help guide people
Prophets are human beings who were chosen to deliver Allah’s message
There is a belief that overtime the message of Allah had been lost or corrupted
Muhammad received the final message- The Quran
“He is the messanger of Allah and the last of the prophets” Quran
The Quran is Allah’s final and absolute word
Formed from a handful of soil,Eve was created from his rib
They lived together in paradise but disobeyed Allah and was banned from paradise
He confessed his sin and was forgiven by Allah and became his first prophet
“Most Merciful” Quran
He built the first Ka’ba in Makkah
“We said to the angels “Bow down to Adam” and they bowed down”Quran
He was born into a polytheistic family but he only believed in one God "He was not of the polytheist"Quran Became a Muslim Father of Ishaq and Ishma'il Direct ancestor of Muhammad The greatest of Prophets befor Isa
He was given the Injil (Gospels) and performed miracles
Isa was taken to heaven as Allah wouldnt let evil triumph over his prophet
“Allah raised him to himself” Quran
Regarded as a prophet and successor of Musa
He will return in a second coming on Judgement
The Prophet Muhammad
Through the Prophet Muhammad the will of Allah was revealed fully and precisely
Over 23 years, the Angel Jibril revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad
“This day I have perfected your religion for you” Quran
There can be no more Prophets after him and Sunni’s and Shia’s believe this(SHAHADAH-“Muhammad is his messanger”)
“He is the messanger of Allah and the last of the prophets” Quran
What do Muslims believe about angels?
They are heavenly and immortal
They were Allah’s first creation
They communicate God’s message
“All of them have believed in Allah and his Angels” Quran
Jibril is referred as the one who brought the words of Allah to Earth
“It is he who has brought the Quran down upon your heart by permission of Allah” Quran
They are Allah’s servant
They have no/limited freewill
Free of sin so they can enter God’s presence
Significance of some angels (Malaikah)
Jibril-Responsible for revealing the Quran to Prophet Muhammad
Mika’il-Responsible for keeping the devil out of heaven,protecting those who worship, plants and rain
Israfil-Will announce the Day of Judgement by blowing the trumpet to signal the resurrection of the dead
The different beliefs about angels
Both-Gods first creation,They are immortal, Always obedient to Allah
Sunni-Created by Allah from light,No freewill
Shia-Have limited freewill,Revealed to Muhammad that Ali would be leader after him, Jibril visited Fatima (Muhammads daughter) and shared divine wisdom with her
Kutub(Holy Books)
Sahifah-Scrolls of Ibrahim
Injil-Gospels given to Isa
Tawrat( The Torah)-The revelation of Musa
Zabur(Psalms)-Given to Dawud
What does Islam teach us about Akhirah (Afterlife)?
There is Akhirah (afterlife) which is determined by the deeds a person has done on earth
There is a soul (ruh) which is released from the physical body straight after death
There is heaven (Jannah) and hell (Jahannam)
Heaven is for those who’s good deeds outweigh their bad deeds and Hell is for those who’s bad deeds outweigh their good deeds
“And everything they did is in written records” Quran
All this will be decided on the day of Judgement and only Allah knows when this is
“Whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it”Quran
What happens after we die?
Burial-There is a belief the body should stay whole for the resurrection at judgement day
Barzakh-A place of waiting after death until the day of Judgement
Day of Judgement-We will be raised from the dead and judged on our good and bad deeds
Actions and intentions are taken into account
Those who pass the final judgement will go to Jannah- Paradise
Those who show no remorse will go to Jahannam- A place of heat and torment
“Every human being shall be repaid in full” Quran
A place of peace,beauty,joy happiness and a place without want or need
It will happen after the sound of the trumpets when the dead have been raised
A reward for living a faithful moral life ,suffering persecution because of faith and lesser Jihad
It separates the Good from the bad
“And excellent is the final home” Surah
Jahannam (Hell)
A place of terror, fire and thick black smoke
Some believe it is not eternal but a temporary place to repent bad deeds before receiving a pardon
“Most merciful” Quran
For those who die before the day of Judgement, Azrail will keep their souls in Barzakh
A punishment for those who didnt live a faithful life and didnt ensure their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds
“ you will be overcome and gathered together to hell” Quran
Allah has a masterplan for everyone that is predestined
God knows everything in detail
Insha’Allah (If God is willing) is a phrase that shows submission to Allah and his will
This idea of predestination comes from Kutubs(books) of Islam