Islam Yr 9 Flashcards
What is prophethood
Prophet hood is when God makes someone a profit to communicate to them. Deliver a message.
Why is Adam an important prophet?
 Adam was the first man he was given the knowledge to pass down to the future generations he was made by God sculpted from mud. The first man.
Why is the Qur’an important to Muslims?
It was the direct words from God that I’ve been unaltered and delivered to us through Muhammed.
What other holy books are important in Islam?
The gospel, the psalms, the Torah
What do Muslims believe about life after death?
Muslims believe that one day the day of judgement will come and on that day, Allah would give you a book deciding whether you are going to heaven or hell.
What are the six articles of faith in Sunni Islam?
The profits of God, the day of judgement, the supremacy of God, well, the Tawheed, Angels, the authority of holy books.
What are the five roots of Usul ad-Din Shia Islam?
Tawheed, prophet hood, justice of God, resurrection, Imamate.
Give three similarities of Sunni, Muslims and Shia Muslims.
They both believe in the Qur’an and how it is the most important book. They both believe that Mohammed was the last prophet. They both believe that’s Adam was the first prophet.
What are the differences between Sunni, Muslims and Shia Muslims?
Sunni and Shia Muslims have different views on prayer, they had different views on who the next leader should be (Abu Bakr or Ali).
What is the importance of Ibrahim to Muslims?
Ibrahim is important as it gives Muslims inspiration on how to devoted they should be to God.
Who is Angel Jibril?
He first appeared to Muhammad when he was a child.Jibril relayed the Quran to Muhammad. He purified Muhammad’s heart.
Who is Angel Mika’il?
Is the Angel of Mercy.
He rewards righteous people. Sense rain thunder, lightning to earth. He bought nourishment to humans.