Islam SOWAs Flashcards
Belief in some of the six beliefs; Belief in some of the five roots
‘Believe in Allah … in His angels, in His Books, in His Messengers and in the Last Day’
Belief in al-qadr; that Allah is omniscient, creator
‘All-knowing Creator’
Allah is one / transcendent
‘No one is comparable’
Shirk is bad; worshipping Allah is good
‘shun false gods’ ‘worship God’
Everyone has God’s law; Allah is just; Prophets are messengers sent by angels.
‘we sent a messenger to every community’
All holy books important; All prophets important
‘no distinction between …them’
Qur’an is perfect
‘free from any distortion’
Torah important for God’s law
‘judged according to it’
Injil important for God’s law; Isa taught love
‘a guide’ ‘put compassion …into the hearts’
Psalms important for God’s law & knowing God
‘good news and warning’
Psalms important for God’s law
‘mankind would have no excuse’
Allah is omnipotent and in complete control
‘He regulates all things’
We will be resurrected
‘raised in an act of new creation’
Angels are messengers & have wings / power
‘Messengers with… wings’
Angels reward believers; There is an afterlife.
‘allies in this world and …the world to come’