Islam quotes Flashcards
quote for Tawhid
In the name of Allah, the gracious, the merciful,
say, “he is Allah, the one. Allah the absolute,
he begots not nor was he begotten,
and there is none comparable to him.
quote to show Allah is omnipotent
“all powerful/ there is none comparable to him”
quote to show Allah is immanent
“he is with you wherever you are
quote to show allah is transcendent
” all pervading”
quote to show allah is just
“the master of the day of judgement”
quote to show allah is all loving
“allah loves those who do good
quote to show allah is omniscient
“all subtle and all aware”
quote to show angels praise Allah day and night
“they glorify him tirelessly night and day”
quote to show angels are messengers/ have wings
“messengers with wings”
quote to show that angels watch over humans
“each person has an angel before and after him, watching over him by god’s command”
quote to show that Jibril revealed the Qur’an to muhammad
“brought the Qur’an down to your heart, confirming previous revelations”
quote to show predestination
“only what god has decreed will happen to us”
what does Inshallah mean?
“if allah wills it”
quote to show how people will be questioned on the day of judgement
“you will be questioned as to what you did”
quote for how human actions effects if they will go to heaven or not
“the greatest reward comes from the greatest trials”