Islam Quote Flashcards
Give hadith about 5 pillar
Allah has said ‘Islam has been built on five (pillars)
Give a quote about shahada
“there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”
Give a quote about sawm/fasting
“anyone of you that is present that month should fast”
Give a quote on salah and jummah
“call onto me and I will answer you”
“When the call of prayer is made on the day of congregation, hurry towards the reminder”
Give a quote in zakah/khums/sadawag
“whatever you give should be to…the needy”
Give a quote about Hajj
“duty owed to God by people who are able to undertake it”
Give a quote on jihad
“those who have believed, migrated and striven… look forward to God’s mercy”
Give a quote about Eid (fitr/adha)
“their meat will not reach God nor will their blood”
“Fasting is prescribed to you” Albaqurah
Give a hadith on Ashura
“Fast on the day of Ashura”
Give a quote on the nature of God
“no one is comparable to him”
Give a quote on tawhid
“he is God the one”
Give a quote on angels
“Each person has angels before him and behind, watching over him by God’s command”
Give a quote on predestination/ human freedom
“Only what God has decreed will happen to us”
Give a quote on akirah
“he gives you life and causes death and to him you will be returned”
Give a quote on the Holy books
“we sent jesus…to confirm the Torah”
Give a quote on the Qur’an
“containing guidance for those who are mindful of God”
Give a quote on imamate
“And Ali is the friend of God”