Islam : Practices Flashcards
What pillar of Islam is the shahadah?
List the two statements that it contains
there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is the Messenger of Allah.’
Which Muslim belief does the shahadah embody?
What must saying the words of the declaration be accompanied by in order for someone to convert to
The words of the declaration must be accompanied by the intention to live by the will of Allah. (niyyah)
Why is evangelism forbidden in Islamic countries?
Allah is believed to be the one God and so Islam is the one true religion.
List the 5 daily prayers for Muslims.
Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha
What is the adhan?
The adhan is the call to prayer.
Why do Muslims carry out wudu before salah?
It is ritual washing, a symbolic action to reinforce the niyyah declaration, this is the intention to worship. It also purifies you, so that you may be in the presence of Allah.
What happens during Jummah prayer?
The imam delivers a sermon called a khutbah. Muslims line up in rows, shoulder to shoulder, to pray. They face the mihrab, which faces towards
What might a Shi’a Muslim rest their head on during prostration?
A piece of wood or a slab of clay from Kerbala might be used.
Why do Shi’a Muslims believe that it is wrong to prostrate on something man-made?
Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم prostrated on a mat of natural fibres, so something man-made would be wrong.
What is du’a?
Du’a is a private prayer during which Muslims bring their concerns to Allah.
State what du’a prayer may include.
Du’a prayer may include thanksgiving to Allah and asking for Allah’s forgiveness
How do some Muslims use prayer beads (tasbih)?
Prayer beads are passed between the believer’s thumb and forefinger. They are used to recite the 99 names of
Allah or to repeat phrases to glorify Allah.
Describe why some Muslims disagree with the use of prayer beads.
The prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم did not use prayer beads.
What does zakah mean?
Zakah means purification.
State what zakah is paid on
Zakah is paid on monetary savings and on a range of possessions such as livestock and produce.
What percentage of earnings above nisab do most Muslims give in zakah?
Give an example of what the money collected through zakah may be used for
It may be used for distribution among the needy within the Muslim community and for other religious
State the name that is given to additional voluntary donations.
Sadaqah is the name given to additional voluntary donations.
Who do Shi’a Muslims pay khums to?
Khums are paid to leading religious scholars
State what sawm commemorates.
Sawm commemorates Muhammad’s صلى الله عليه وسلم first revelation of the Qur’an.
In which month is sawm?
Ramadan is the month.
Name the festival that marks the end of sawm.
List three effects of sawm on a believer
helps them appreciate the needs of others
gives them an increased sense of empathy
teaches them to be completely obedient to Allah
gives them an increased sense of closeness to Allah and a greater understanding of their faith.
List the four stages of hajj
Mecca, Sa’y, Arafat and Mina
Describe tawaf.
Tawaf is the circling of the Kaaba by pilgrims. During each tawaf, Muslims recite a verse from the Qur’an.
State why the well of Zamzam is significant to Muslims.
The well of Zamzam is where the spring of water appeared that was used by Hajar and Isma’il.
What is the focus of Muslim prayer on the plain of Arafat?
The focus for Muslim prayer on the plain of Arafat is for forgiveness from Allah.
Outline what happens at Mina.
At Mina the pilgrims symbolically stone Iblis. They do this by throwing stones at three pillars over three days. It
recalls the time when Allah tells Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Isma’il. They also offer an animal sacrifice if they
can afford it and then roast and eat the meat.
Name the festival that happens at the end of hajj.
List three effects of hajj on a Muslim.
increased sense of Ummah
relief from the weight of sin
inspired and focused on being obedient to Allah
increased certainty of their place in paradise after death.
State what Id-ul-Adha is also known as.
BAQARAH EID, festival of sacrifice
Outline what the festival remembers.
It remembers the time when Allah provided a ram for Ibrahim to sacrifice instead of his son Isma’il.
What is Bismillah?
Bismillah is the blessing said over the animal sacrifice: ‘In the name of Allah the merciful, the compassionate.’
List what happens to the three portions of meat that the animal sacrifice is divided into.
the family
friends and relatives
the poor and needy.
Describe why the festival is important to Muslims
It is important to Muslims because it shows that Allah is the provider of all good things. It is important for
Muslims to demonstrate that they are willing to make sacrifices for Allah.
When does Id-ul-Fitr begin?
Id-ul-Fitr begins on the first day of the tenth month of Shawal.
State how long the festival lasts.
The festival lasts three days
What is the Imam’s Eid khutbah likely to focus on?
Its likely focus is the duty to care for the needy.
What name did Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم give to this festival?
Day of Reward.
Outline three ways in which the festival is significant to Muslims.
forgetting past disagreements and being thankful to Allah
being thankful for the success Allah has given them in the completion of the fasting
looking forward to their reward on the Day of Judgement
unity achieved through the celebrations.
In what month do Shi’a Muslims celebrate this festival?
They celebrate in Dhul-Hijjah, on the 18th.
State what is revealed in the verse of announcement.
It revealed that in order for the prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم to fulfil his mission, he had an important message to
In his speech at Ghadir Khumm, what do Shi’a Muslims believe Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم gave to Ali?
Shi’a Muslims believe Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم gave Ali the authority to lead the Muslims.
How do Sunni Muslims interpret these events?
They argue that Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم was calling for Ali to be respected, not to be seen as his successor.
What often happens in mosques as part of this festival?
They complete specific prayers at the mosque and often the event is narrated as a reminder.
What two events are celebrated on Ashura?
The day that Nuh built the ark and the day that Musa was saved from the Egyptians by Allah are celebrated
Whose death do Shi’a Muslims remember at this time?
Hussayn’s death is remembered.
State how he died.
He was massacred by Sunni forces in the battle in Karbala.
List two ways Shi’a Muslims celebrate during this special day
Public expressions of mourning and grief, whipping themselves on the back or ritually cutting themselves are
all examples.
State three ways that this festival is significant to Shi’a Muslims.
Hussayn’s death is symbolic of the struggle against injustice and oppression
it enables them to link with Hussayn’s suffering
it will help them on the Day of Judgement.
State what is meant by jihad.
Describe the difference between greater and lesser jihad.
Greater jihad is striving to control inner bad desires and intentions. Lesser jihad is the outward struggle to
create a good and fair Muslim society.
What is the reward, after death, for a Muslim who strives in greater