Islam - Ethical teachings Flashcards
Ethical teachings Introduction
Ethical teachings are derived from the sacred texts Quran and Hadith, then applied to environmental ethics. It is urged by Allah to submit and live in accordance to the environmental ethics. This involves maintaining, protecting and preserving the world as “the whole of the earth is a mosque” - Quran.
These ethics are explain through core teachings such as Tawid, Khalifa, and Akhira.
Tawid + Quotes
Tawid refers to the oneness of Allah and the belief that God created all things. Tawid reflects the unity of Allah and the connection between humanity and nature. Islam draws its ethics from the Quran and expects humanity to be in obedience to the commands of Allah. “There is no altering the creation of God” - Quran - Allah needs his people to uphold the earth’s current situation for future generations. Hadith also emphasises the importance of the “whole earth being a place of worship”. By showing respect, care and thankfulness for nature, adherents are acknowledging Tawid, where Allah is in the natural environment.
Tawid example + quotes
The Assisi declaration on nature 1966 is an action plan that was implemented to help adherents of Islam become the leaders that work towards making improvements in climate change. It informs individuals and governments that there is no proper justification for fossil fuel production and that creation should be considered higher than wealth. It also provides guidance in regards to land conservation and recycling. The plan is based off ethical teachings to instruct adherents on positive behaviours that Allah wishes for towards the environment.
Akhira and quotes
Involves the idea of accountability on the day of judgement, including the way they have treated creation. This means that every action in regards ti the environment is punished or rewarded for, as stated in the Quran “Whatever does an atoms weight of good will see it”.
Akhira example + quotes
Akhira indicates that humans will be judged by Allah based partly on how they treat animals. Animals are a part of God’s creation, so they deserve to be respected, and as caretakers of the earth, humans have a direct responsibility to reserve animal species. The Sharia law based from the Quran and the Hadith, provides the most humane way of killing animals to prepare halal meat. This is due to the belief that the use of animals must be justified and not unnecessary. e.g. recreational hunting no, meat for nutrition allowed. This teaching of preserving the creatures of the earth is demonstrated in the Hadith when mentioned that “whoever kills a sparrow, Allah will hold him accountable on the day of judgement”
Khalifa + Quotes
Khalifa is the teaching for Islam adherents to be stewards of the earth as the Quran states “it is he who made you khalifa”. It highlights that as God created the earth and all living things, that humanity has a connection and a crucial responsibility to care for the earth to maintain Allah’s creation and gift. This is again, expressed throughout the Quran, such as “whoever plants a tree Is rewarded by Allah”, where Allah encourages sustainability and assurance that there are enough resources for generations to come.
Khalifa example + Quotes
The issue of climate change is one of the earth’s biggest threats. The organisation known as ‘GREEN MUSLIMS’ are a source in the Muslim community for spiritually inspired environment education, reflection, and action. They hold annual programs that encourages adherents to engage with Islamic ethical teachings as explained in the sacred texts, and encourages recycling, reducing, and re-using. This organisation positively influences adherents to live by God’s will, and to act like they are going to “live in this world as if you were going to live forever” - HADITH, including responsibility for their time on earth.
Ultimately, it it these organisations, laws, and strategies that allow adherents to better use their time on Allah’s creation and submit to God’s ethical teachings of Tawid, Akhira, and Khalifa by helping solve these global issues of the environment. These teachings towards environmental ethics that are derived from sacred texts, helps adherents apply to their beliefs of Islam and gain a deeper purpose from their submission, dedication and involvement with God, and their environmental surroundings.