Islam - Beliefs Flashcards
Outline of Sunni Islam
- Appointed the first 4 Caliphs by vote
- Believe Muhammad did not choose his successor, so appointed their own successor
Outline of Shia Islam
- Believe Muhammd appointed Ali as his successor
- The first 3 caliphs were wrongly appointed
- The true leaders are the 13 Imams, who are Ali’s descendants
- The 13th imam is still alive and in hiding
6 Articles of Faith
Oneness of God
6 Articles of Faith
Deliver messages to prophets
6 Articles of Faith
5 Sources of Authority
Torah Psalms Gospels Scrolls Quran
6 Articles of Faith
Allah uses prophets to revela his messages to humans
Muhammad is the seal of the prophets (the last prophet ever)
6 Articles of Faith
Day of Judgement
We are judged by Allah on our actions on earth, he sends us to either heaven or hell.
6 Articles of Faith
Supremacy of Allah
Allah knows everything, everything is planned but he still allows us free will.
6 Articles of faith
They influence all aspects of life
Helps Muslims understand how to live a good life
5 Roots
Oneness of God
To undermine Allah’s Oneness is Shirk - the wost type of sin
5 Roots
Justice of Allah - ‘ADALAT’
Allah is wise and just, all his decisions are right
5 Roots
Prophethood - ‘NUBUWWAH’
Allah sends messages to guide us via prophets
5 Roots
Leadership - ‘IMAMATE’
12 Imams should succeed Muhhamad
12 Imams are infailable - can do no wrong
5 Roots
Ressurection - ‘AL - MA ‘AD’
Shia believe there will be a day of judgement - ‘Yawn al Qiyyamah’
People are physically ressurected
Nature of Allah
He is indisible and absolute
“He is Allah, the one” Sura 112
Nature of Allah
He is all powerful and able to do all things
“He is all-knowing, the all powerful” Sura 30
Nature of Allah
He is vital to human existence
“We are closer to him than his Jugular vein” Sura 50
Nature of Allah
He is outside of time and space, hes seperate from our world
“There is nothing like him” Sura 42
Nature of Allah
Benefinence and Mercy
Allah is fair because he forgives
Suffering is a test
Risalah - Authority
Allah guides our whole lives
- He is our creator
- He created the first prophet to guide us
- He created the last prophet, to leave a last important prophecy with us
- Holy books offer us guidance
- Caretaker of Earth
- Was given Eve for company
- Iblis the evil angel tempted him to si
Adam - Quran Quote
” I am going to create a human out of clay” Sura 38
- Sold idols, then realised they were against Gods will
- First to belive openly in only one god
- Agreed to sacrafice his son for Allah
Ibrahim - Quran Quote
” I will never make partners with Allah” - sura 6
This shows he was humble and submissive to Allah