Islam Flashcards
List the five pillars of Islam
Five pillars of Islam are
- Shahadah - the declarattion of faith - to beleive
- Salah - to pray
- Zakah - to give to charity 2.5% of savings
- Sawm - to fast
- Hajj - to go on pilgrimmage
Five Pillar
1st Pillar Shahadah Explain
1st Pillar Shahadah
The basic belief of Islam is expressed in the Shahadah.
Shahadah is the most important Pillar of Islam.
The other four Pillars of Islam are supporting the first Pillar Shahadah as Muslims way of life.
As well as being the first of the Five Pillars, the Shahadah also provides the foundation for the other four.
These four pillars are actions that put a Muslim’s faith expressed in the Shahada into practice.
Muhammad set up the five Pillars as the key practices of the religion.
Muslims follow the teachings of Allah given to his final prophet, Muhammad.
The five Pillars of Islam are five duties of all Muslims.
They are
- Shahadah - statement of faith
- Salah - prayer
- Sawm - fasting during Ramadan
- Zakah - charity contribution
- Hajj - pilgrimmage
Shahadah is the first Pillar of Islam.
The Shahadah is the statement that sums up what all Muslims believe.
It says ‘There is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
The Shahadah runs throughout a Muslim’s life. They are the first words whispered into the ear of a new born baby. The Shahadah forms part of the Adhan - the call to prayer, five times a day. The words are repeated as a person dies or said for someone as they die.
What was Prophet Muhammad’s message?
Prophet Muhammad’s message was
- there was only one God
- it is wrong to make idols of God
- Everyone is equal in the eyes of the God - treat others fairly and help the poor and vulnerable
- do not gamble or drink alcohol
- each human life is unique, original and sacred. Life is given as a gift.
How was Makkah during Prophet Muhammad’s time?
Makkah was a city with a high level of dishonesty.
Rich merchants always cheated the poor and people gambled, fought and drunk alcohol.
Muhammad (pbuh) did not like greed, exploitation,lack of compassion and corruption of the merchants.
What was prophet Muhammad’s message?
Prophet Muhammad’s message;
There is only one God and he created the world.
What is Hijrah?
Hijrah is when prophet Muhammad accepted the invitation from the people of city of Yathrib and moved to Madinah far away in the Arabian Desert.
When does the Muslim calendar begin?
The Muslim calendar begins with Prophet Muhammad’s journey to Madinah in 622 CE (1 AH = After Hijrah).
Where did Prphet Muhammad start the first Muslim Community?
In Madinah Prophet Muhammad started the first Muslim community.
Where did Prphet Muhammad build the first mosque?
Prophet Muhammad built the first mosque in Madinah next to his new house.
List five acts Prophet Muhammad thought was wrong
Five acts Prophet Muhammad thought was wrong
- drinking alcohol
- gambling
- stealing
- idol worshipping
- treating women badly
Define Monotheist
Monotheist: belief in one God
Define Prophet
Prophet is a person who delivers God’s message who shows people how to live
Define Messiah
A Messiah is a person chosen by God to bring people closer to God.
Name the Muslim Holy book
Muslim Holy book is Qur’an
Define Shahada
Shahada is the pillar of faith.
Shahada is the first pillar of Islam.
The Shahada is a declaration/statement of faith, that states that there is only one God and Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is the last messenger.