Islam Flashcards
What is tawhid (s & sh) ?
- the oneness of Allah
What is Malaikah (s) ?
- belief in angles
What is Nubuwwah (s & sh) ?
- belief in Allah prophets
What is Adalat (sh) ?
- belief in divine justice
What is Imamah (sh) ?
- belief in the authority of imams
What is Ma’ad (sh) ?
- belief in the Day of Resurrection
What are the six articles of faith ? (sunni)
- oneness of God (tawhid)
- belief in angles (malaikah)
- belief in the holy books
- belief in the prophets (nubuwwah)
- belief in the Day of Judgement
- belief that Allah knows and decides everything that is going to happen
What are the 5 roots ? (shia)
- oneness of God (tawhid)
- belief in justice (adalat)
- belief in prophethood (nabuwwah)
- belief in imam authority (imamah)
- belief in Day of Resurrection
What are other Holy Books in Islam ?
- tawrat
- hadith
- sunnh
What are the characteristic of angles ?
- no free will
- obey Allah’s orders
- worship Allah
- record people good and bad deeds
- genderless
What happens on the Day of Judgement (Yawm ad-Din) ?
- Allah decides how people spend the after life
- Allah will judge everyone
- encourages muslims to live a good life
What are the beliefs about the after life ?
- where people go after the day of judgement
- reward = jannah (paradise)
- punishment = jahannam (hell)
- barzakh is where they stay until the day of judgement
“behind them is a barrier until the day they are resurrected”
What are the 5 pillars (sunni) ?
- shahadah = declaration of faith
- salah = pray 5 times a day
- zakah = charity giving
- sawm = fasting (ramadan)
- hajj = pilgrimage
What is greater Jihad ?
- muslim’s sruggle to obey Allah and become a better muslim
- greater because its individual
What is lesser Jihad ?
- the struggle to make the world a better place e.g. end poverty, defend islam etc
What are some Islam festivals ?
Id ul-Adah :
- focuses on the importance of obeying Allah
Id ul-Fitr :
- end of ramadan
- presents, meal, services
Ashura :
- commemorates the death of Husayn