Islam Flashcards
A quote that says Muslims should respect their parents
‘The Lord has ordered that… you show kindness to your parents’ (from Hadith)
A quote talking about gender inequality
‘Men have a status above women’
A quote talking about homosexual acts in Islam
‘Lesbianism by women is adultery between them. Kill the one that is doing it and kill the one it is being done to.’ (From Hadith)
‘If two men among you commit indecency, punish them both.’ (From Hadith)
A quote talking about alcohol consumption
‘In alcohol there is great sin’
‘Intoxicants are an abomination’
A quote talking about murder
‘Take not life - which God has made sacred - except for a just cause’ (Quran)
Give the word for Heaven
Al Jannah
Give the word for Hell
Give the word for life after death
A quote talking about war
‘Anyone who dies fighting in a just war will go to Heaven’ (Quran)
A quote talking about forgiveness
‘Paradise is for those who curb their anger and forgive their fellow men’ (Quran)
‘He that forgives and seeks reconcilement shall be rewarded by God’ (Quran)
A quote talking about Allah’s power over life
‘And no person can ever die except by Allah’s
leave and at an appointed term’ (Quran)
A quote talking about marriage
‘Marry the unmarried among you’ (Quran)
What are the six articles of faith in Sunni Islam?
- belief in Tawhid
- belief in angels (Malaikah)
- belief in holy books
- belief in Allah’s prophets (Nubuwwah)
- belief in the Day of Judgement
- belief that Allah knows exactly what will and won’t happen (predestination)
What are the five articles of faith/Usul ad-Din in Shia Islam?
- belief in Tawhid
- belief in divine justice (Adalat)
- belief in prophethood (Nubuwwah)
- belief in authority of imams (Imamah)
- belief in the Day of Resurrection
What are the similarities and differences between Sunni and Shi’a Islam?
Both belief in Tawhid and Nubuwwah
Sunnis believe that a leader after Muhammad should be elected by the people, but Shi’as believe that the previous leader chooses, and they become the Imam.