Islam Flashcards
He is god the one
God is omnipotent
No one is comparable to him
Nature if allah being kind
His mercy takes presence over his wrath
Nature of allah
He is able to do all things
Each person has angels before him and behind, watching over him by gods command
Angles of god
Messengers of god
Every community is sent a messenger
Prophethood ibrihim
God took Ibrihim as a friend
Seal of prohets
Holy books
This is the scripture of which there can be no doubt
Life after death
He gives life and causes death, to him you will be returned
Hell for unbelievers
Fear the fire that has been prepared for those who reject the faith
Paridise after death
The righteous will have gardens in paradise beneath which rivers flow
The immamate
Obey those of you who are in authority
Never will be be struck accept by what Allah has decreed
We do not descend accept for the command of lord
Angel jibril-
delivers messages from god such as the Quran to Muhammad
Angel Mika’il
Rewards good deeds, the god of mercy to Muslims, has the role of rewarding those who lived good lives. Brings lightning and thunder to earth
Importance of angels
Act of messengers.
Reveal all humans actions for the day of judgment
Greet those in paridise and punish those in hell
Help Muslims understand how to live life
Many angels have specific roles. Can act as guardian angels
Angel israfil
His role is to blow a horn to signify the end of the world
Allah is in control of the outcome of good and evil actions
He knows everything that will happen
At the same time though, humans have free will and can make their own choices
Sunnis believe Allah chooses what will happen to humans and human can’t change their destiny ‘never we will be struck accept by what Allah has decreed’
Shias believe humans lives are down to their own free will and god knows what will happen but can’t decide it
Predestination is important because Muslims can take comfort in the fact that Allah controls good and bad. They don’t fear death as they know it’s part of gods plan, some may loose hope when things get tough as things are pre-determined to be bad, and it could make someone too reliant on god and not taking responsibility for their actions
Life after death
Day of judgement, god is omniscient and will be just and fair, all bodies will be ressurected after waiting in barzakh( like a purgatory). 2 angels will open a book that contains the record of their life, then it will be decided where they go.
A beautiful place where rewards are enjoyed
A place of pain and suffering. For people who rejected faith and prophets. Described as a place of scorching pits. Some believe this is symbolic while others literal. Some believe god will ultimately forgive all.
Akhirah is important because it influences Muslims to do good deeds, avoid sinning, and have comfort that justice will happen. Teaches Muslims they will be held accountable for their actions and reassures them death is not the end.
Holy books
Qur’an: Angel jibril appeared to Muhammad and gave him gods revalations which were recorded in the Quran word for word for over 23 years. Muhammad was illiterate so it was a miracle. After 23 years, the qur’an was compiled by Abu Bakr. Has to be kept as high as possible, with a cloth over it to keep it clean.
Important because it is a direct revelation from Allah so it’s a miracle. Highest source of wisdom and authority. Proves gods existence.
Proves timeless truth, cannot be wrong
‘this is the scripture of which there can be no doubt.’
Other holy books are the sunnah and Hadith, Tarwat, gospels, psalms,scrolls of Abraham. Other holy books aren’t as important as the Qur’an as they may have been lost in translation over the years.
Prophets importance
Channel of communication between god and humanity. ‘Each community is sent a messenger’. Have brought holy books, role models to Muslims, confirms existence of god and nature
Adam prophet
First prophet and human, his task was to look after the world, lived with his wife hawa in garden, made a mistake but was forgiven, highly regarded bc god chose him and treated him with great mercy. Shows gods omnibelovent nature.
Ibrihim prophet
Father of monitheism
Exemplar of faith
rejected polytheism and was thrown into a fire by enimies, survives showing gods omnipotence. Prepared to sacrifice his son for god.
Rebuilt the Kaaba.
‘God took ibrihim as a friend’
Isa prophet
Known for treating miracles, had a miraculous births but not divine,remains physically alive and will come to earth on the day of judgment.
Seal of prophets
Described as the perfect man.
Founder of Islam.
Spoke with authority from god
Is the reason Muslims have the qur’an, very important to Muslims.
‘Muhammad is not the father of any of your men he is gods messenger and the seal of the prophets’
The religious leader of Islam who is chosen by god on how righteous they are for the role of imam.
Shias-believe the Imamate should descend from the first imam, as they are the righteous imam through blood. Their chosen imam is therefore Hazrat Ali.
Sunnis- believe the imam should be elected by the ppl on how good of a leader they are and much they deserve to be imam. Their chosen imam is Abu bakr.
Gods immenance
He is closer to you than your jugular vien
Gods transendence
For as the heavens are higher than the earth
Meaning of Adalat
Gods justice
By his wound, we are healed