Islam Flashcards
Five pillars of Islam
All Muslims do these-
Shahadah - A declaration of faith (prayer) that expresses belief in the oneness of Allah (Tawhid)
Salat- Ritual prayer 5 times a day
Sawm- Fasting
Zakat- Giving 2.5% of annual income to charity
Hajj- Going on pilgrimage to Mecca
Sayings of Prophet Muhammed
The city in Saudi Arabia that Muhammed was born. Where Muslims should go on pilgrimage at least once in their lives.
Holy law of Islam
Six Sunni beliefs of Islam (ALLAHM)
A- Allah ; Belief in the oneness of God and that Allah is the only one (Tawhid)
L- Life after death (Akhirah)
L- Last days ; Belief that Allah has planned everything (Al-Qadr/Pre-destination)
A- Angels (Malaikah)
H- Holy Books (Kutub)
M- Messengers ; Belief in the prophets (Nubuwwah)
5 Shi’a roots
Tawhid- Belief in the oneness of Allah
Adalat- Belief in Allah’s justice
Nubuwwah- Belief in the prophets
Imamah- Belief in the 12 leaders after Muhammed
Al-Ma’ad- Belief in the day of resurrection and judgment
Sunni and Shi’a differences and similarities in key beliefs
They both use the Qur’an
Both believe in Oneness of Allah
They have slightly different ways of life (Sunni 6 beliefs and Shi’a 5 pillars)
Both follow the main 5 pillars
Sunni’s rely on the Sunnah, a book by Muhammed to guide them.
The Islamic sacred book. It’s the direct word of Allah written by Muhammed.
How many names does Allah have?
Allah’s stewards or vicegerents (people who have been given given power on behalf of Allah)
A chapter in the Qur’an
Example and the way of life of Muhammed
Who was the original prophet
When did Islam begin
What made prophets special
They could communicate with Allah
The devil (satan)
Holy books and prophet associated with them
Qur’an : Muhammed
Injil (Gospels) : Isa (Jesus)
Zabur (Psalms) : Dawud (David)
Sahifah (Scrolls) : Ibrahim (Abraham) - (Distorted/lost)
Tawrat (Torah) : Moses - (Distorted, but not fully)
(Angel Gabriel) Gives good news.
Original copy isn’t fully in tact, and current copy is either lost, or not fully correct.
Prophethood and messengership
An angel (Michael), who is a friend to humanity
The angel of death
Mosque rules
- Cover your head to hide beauty, which is distracting.
- Remove shoes to keep things clean.
- Switch off devices to have no distractions.
- Perform wudu.
- Say ‘Peace be upon you’ to clear your head before prayer.
A cleansing ritual or ablution that is an important part of purity and cleanliness in Islam before performing worship.
Ninth month of Islamic calendar where you fast strictly.
Laylat al-Qadr
The night when the Qu’ran was sent down from heaven to the world. (The night of power)
20 % of profits paid for taxes (Shi’a Muslims only)
Greater Jihad
Striving to resist an evil in the world physically (defending Islam to others)
Lesser Jihad
Striving to resist evil within oneself (trying to be a good Muslim personally)
Ten obligatory acts
- Salah - daily prayers
- Sawm - fasting
- Zakat - giving money to the poor
- Hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca
- Jihad - the struggle to keep believe in Allah
- Khans - 20% annual tax
- Amr-bil-Maroof - encouragement to do good
- Nahi Anil Munkar - discouragement of bad actions
- Tawalla - associating with good people
- Tabarra - disassociating with bad people
Usul ad-Din
The 5 roots of Shi’a
What is Jannah described as in the Qu’ran
“Gardens of pleasure”
Hell in Islam
What does Raphael do
He sounds the trumpet on judgement dwy