ISLAM Flashcards
Aisha Bint Abu Bakr
Aisha promoted equality by establishing schools for women and encouraged unification as seen through the battle of the camel.
Aisha Education Quote
“But I have not heard speeches more persuasive and more beautiful from the mouth of any person than from the mouth of A’isha” Seventh century scholar Al-Ahnaf.
Aisha Education Example
Aisha association for women and child protection which seeks to achieve gender integration through economic empowerment.
Aisha Camel Quote
“those who place their affairs in Aisha’s hands will only know prosperity” (Hadith).
Aisha Camel Example
Muslim World league is an organisation that adherents can join to promote Islamic cooperation through interfaith dialogue.
Environmental Ethics
Mizaan underlines the idea that adherents shouldn’t alter God’s creations. Tawhid represents that the earth is a gift from and Allah and so should be respected.
Mizaan Quote
“And so do not corrupt the land after it has been set in order” (Sura 7:85).
Mizaan Example
The Global Muslim Climate Network works toward addressing climate change by organising campaigns to raise awareness.
Tawhid Quote
“To God belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth, for God encompasses everything” (Quran 44:126)
Tawhid Example
Green Muslims is an organisation which promotes environmental awareness through community projects.
The Hajj
The Hajj is a pilgrimage that allows adherents to visit holy sites and reflect on their religious lifestyle.
Removing the Ihram
A ritual which allows adherents to return to their prior state after they’ve reaffirmed their belief in Allah by entering a holy state with the community.
Removing Ihram Quote
“and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches its appointed place” (2:196).
Tawaf around the Kabah
Requires adherents to circle the Kabah clockwise seven times which reaffirms their belief in their one God Allah.
Kabah Quote
“Then let them groom themselves,1 fulfil their vows, and circle the Ancient House” (22:29).