Ischemic Heart Disease Flashcards
What are the 2023 Class 1 indications for CABG?
- Left main disease (CABG>PCI)
- DM and mvCAD with LAD involvement (CABG (LIMA to LAD) > PCI)
What are the 2023 Class 2a indications for CABG?
mvCAD with complex/diffuse disease (SYNTAX>33)
What are the 2023 Class 2b indications for CABG?
DM with LM stenosis and low-to-intermediate complexity, can consider PCI as an alternative to CABG
What are the indications for pre-op carotid duplex?
Guidelines Class 2a: age >65, L main coronary stenosis, PVD, history of stroke/TIA, hypertension, smoking, DM
SESATS: age >75. Triple vessel disease, L main disease
If positive, confirm with CTA or MRA given low positive predictive valve of U/S
Isolated carotid built without other risk factors —> do NOT screen with U/S
What is the timing for CABG after carotid work?
Wait 6 weeks after carotid stenting before CABG (2 weeks for initial hyperperfusion phase and 6 weeks for GpIIb/IIIa inihibitor requirement
Wait 2 weeks after carotid endarterectomy (2 weeks for initial hyperperfusion phase to resolve)
When should you do CABG after STEMI?
Reduction in risk if you can wait 1 week, unless angina makes delay impossible
If STEMI, do not stop plavix (risk of stent closure worse than risk of bleeding)
Pre-op tests for radial artery conduit?
radial artery studies documenting patent palmar arch
Do not take radial from dominant hand
Management of air-hit when weaning ?
- Check TEE for air in LV, root, or coronary/subendocardium
- Back on bypass
- Trendelenberg
- Drive MAP>80
- Wait 10 min for air embolus to resolve
Patient presents in STEMI but cardiologist cannot stent. What do you do?
Have cardiologist place IABP, perform focused H&P to find out time of total ischemia, STAT echo
In STEMI with failed PCI, how does approach differ based on lenght of ischemia?
After 6 hours, unlikely to recover contractive function
After 8 hours, theoretically no benefit of revascularization
If 6 hrs –> CABG
If >8 hrs –> MCS/HF pathway
Approach if performing CABG MVR but small left atrium
distals then mitral (give dose of plegia, snare caval tapes)
- Transspetal (identify fossa ovalis and incise towards SVC)
- If need more exposure, open L pleural cavity and pull up on umbilical tapes
- If still can’t see, extend incision over dome of LA towards root of aorta, making sure to leave enough atrium adjacent to aortic root to close
CABG Conduit options for diabetics?
Absolutely contraindicated to use BIMA on diabetics (relatively contraindicated in morbidly obese, COPD, or otherwise high risk for sternal wound infections)
Stenosis cutoffs for radial?
Never use for stenosis <70% (or (per SESATS) R sided stenosis < 90%)
Use IV dilt or other peripheral CCB for 48 hours post-op to prevent vasospasm
Anastomose off vein hood of proximal, or specific dedicated vein hood, or Y off LIMA (can compromise LIMA if not careful)
Mortality Risk for redo-CABG
If AS and CAD, cannot do TAVR unless can do PCIs first, then 1 month plavix, then TAVR
Pre-op workup for redo CBAG?
PA/CXR, TTE, carotid U/S, noncon CT
PET/CT if hypo/dyskinetic wall on TTE
Conduit studies (vein mapping, radial artery mapping w/ Allen’s test)
Dark blood welling up from mediastinum during re-entry for redo-cabg. What do you do?
Pack incision, change femoral lines to cannaulae, go on bypass
Redo case with prior CABG. How do you manage LIMA?
Issues with re-entry and myocardial protection
Search for IMA between L edge of aorta and medial aspect of L Lung
Place atraumatic clamp to occlude IMA during arrest period. If IMA cannot be controlled, lower temp to 25 C and leave IMA alone
How to manage prior vein grafts in redoCABG?
Avoid manipulation to avoid embolization of prior atherosclerotic debris
Anastomose LIMA distal to previous vein grafts
If no disease distal to prior distal anastomotic site, remove vein graft and leave small cuff and sew new graft to that cuff
Redo AVR options in patient with prior CABG?
Sternotomy and temporary occlusion of LIMA
RAMT - cool to 25 and do not identify/occlude arterial grafts
Prior LIMA to LAD. Would you offer CABG?
Only if symptomatic ischemia 2/2 sclerotic vein grafts
Factors favoring reoperative CABG over PCI
- Late stenosis (>5 years)
- Multiple stenotic vein grafts
- Diffusely stenotic grafts
- No patent IMA graft
- Decreased LVEF
What are STS Risk Score ranges?
Prohibitive: > 15%
High risk: 8-15%
Intermediate 4-8%
Low: <4%
How to handle fibrillation upon redo entry?
- have external pads on prior to prepping; shock at 100-200 J if necessary
- avoid cautery near LV
- if unstable, cannulate (peripheral or central) and go on CPB; if heart distends, manually vent or insert vent
ideally vent through RSPV. - If unable, can stab LV apex if exposed, or clamp aorta –> aortotomy –> direct handheld cardioplegia to arrest
What are the guidelines for concomitant CABG + CEA?
- Prior stroke/TIA with significant carotid disease (>50% in men, >70% in women)
- Asymptomatic but bilateral >=50%
- Asymptomatic unilateral >=50% with contralateral occlusion
Indications for concomitant AVR during CABG?
- Mod-Sev AS or AI
- Mild AS + Rapid progression of trans valvular gradients (15-20mmHg/year)
- Mild AS + Rapid decrease in AVA (0.3 cm2)
Indications for Concomitant CABG during AVR or MVr/R?
- Lesions >=70% reduction in major coronaries
- Can consider lesions >=50% that have reasonable targets
Describe operation for CABG + AVR:
- Aortic+ Dual stage venous
- LV Vent
- XC and ante/retro (if AI, antegrade given directly via Ostia after aortotomy)
- Distal vein graft and give plegia down coronary conduit
- Oblique aortotomy into noncoronary sinus
- AVR, close aortotomy
- Distal mammary anastomosis
- Proximal graft anastomoses
Indications for concomitant MVr/R and CABG?
- Moderate or severe IMR not likely to resolve with coronary revacsularization alone
- Mild MR with HF symptoms
- Moderate -to-severe MS
Indications for MVR in AS + CAD?
mod-severe mitral regurg
What is the maximum arterial cannula pressure gradient?
What is the complete heart block rate after myectomy? When are patients at higher risk?
2%, higher risk after RBBB
Alcohol ablation takes out right bundle; surgical resection takes out L bundle
Patency rates of CABG conduits
IMA: 90-95% at 10-20 years
Vein: 50% at 15 years
Radial: 92.5% at 7 years
GEA: 70% at 10 years
Only proven benefit of delNido?
Reduced need for defibrillation (return of spontaneous rhythm)
Criteria for using radial artery grafts?
Circ >70% or RCA>90%
Most common causes of hemorrhagic pericardial effusion
Malignancy (other cases are idiopathic, pericarditis, trauma, uremia)
Differences between restrictive and constrictive?
Restrictive: slow ventricular filling, minimal respiratory variation, LVEDP>RVEDP esp with fluid bolus
Constricitve: rapid early diatonic flow though mitral, high respiratory variation, equalization of end-diastolic pressures
Indications for CRT
EF<=35% with LBBB With QRS>150 and NYHA II-IV sx on GDMT (class I)
QRS>120 (Class IIa)
Indication for carotid-subclavian bypass pre-TEVAR
Compromise of end organ perfusion (prior LIMA graft, or PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery) syndrome
Management of pregnancy with Marfan’s syndrome
<40 mm: vaginal delivery
40-45mm: monthly evaluation, elective c-section at/near term
If diameter exceeds 45mm or >5mm increase in foster during pregnancy: terminate or c-section and do aortic surgery
ICD indications:
- EF at or below 35% 90 days post-revasc with NYHA II or III heart failure
- EF at or below 30% regardless of NYHA class (expected meaningful surgical of at least one year)
Heart transplants VAD survival?
LVAD 4 year survival approx 50%
OHT 75% at 5 years, >50% at 10 years
Screening for family for pt with aneurysm?
All first degree get echo (if echo abnormal, CT or MRA)
Genetic testing if >1 member with aneurysm or suspicious physical exam findings
Factors affecting survival in cardiac sarcoma?
Most common in LA
Location and ability for complete resection affect survival (not histologic subtype)