Ischemic Heart Disease Flashcards
What is ischemic heart disease also known as?
Coronary artery disease
What does the prevalance of ischemic heart disease increase with in men and women?
What causes ischemic heart disesae?
- -Imbalance between oxygen supply and demand ischemia
- -Mostly caused by atherosclerotic narrowing of coronary arteries
- -Atherosclerotic vessels do not dilate in response to normal stimuli
What is the presenting manifestation in women for ischemic heart disease?
What is the presenting manifestation in men for ischemic heart disease?
MI is usually initial event
What is the cardinal sx for ischemic heart disease?
Chest pain (Angina)
What are the four major factors that determine myocardial work and therefore myocardial oxygen demand?
- -Heart rate
- -SBP (clinical marker of afterload)
- -Myocardial wall tension or stress (product of ventricular end-diastolic volume or preload and myocardial muscle mass)
- -Myocardial contractility
How can you increase O2 delivery?
Most tissues can increase O2 extraction with demand
Heart extracts near maximal amount of O2 at rest
Therefore can only increase O2 delivery by increasing coronary blood flow
What are the types of ischemic heart disease?
Angina pectoris Chronic stable angina Unstable angina Vasospastic (Prinzmetals angina) Myocardial Infarction (MI)
What is angina pectoris?
Caused by ischmia
Angina characterized by paroxysmal chest “squeezing” or pressure, often accompanied by sensation of smothering and fear of impending death
what is angina characterized by paroxysmal chest “squeezing” or pressure, often accompanied by sensation of smothering and fear of impending death?
Angina pectoris
What is angina Exacerbated by physical activity and relieved by rest or sublingual nitroglycerin?
Chronic stable angina
What is angina characterized by Increasing pattern of pain in previously stable patient
Less responsive to medications, lasts longer, and occurs at rest or with less exertion?
Unstable angina
What is vasospastic (prinzmetal’s angina)?
- -Occurs in patient with or without coronary heart disease and is due to a spasm of the coronary artery that decreases myocardial blood flow
- -More likely to experience pain at rest and in early morning hours
- -Pain not usually brought on by exertion or emotional stress or relieved by rest
- -Occurs most often in smokers, young patients, with illicit drug use (esp. cocaine) and with alcohol withdrawal
What is the quality of angina pectoris?
- Sensation of pressure or heavy weight on chest
- Burning sensation
- Feeling of tightness
- Shortness of breath with feeling of constriction around throat
- Visceral quality (deep, heavy, squeezing, aching)
- Gradual increase in intensity followed by gradual fading away
What is the location of angina pectoris?
- -Over sternum or very near to it
- -Anywhere between epigastrium and pharynx
- -Occasionally limited to left shoulder and left arm
- -Rarely limited to right arm
- -Limited to lower jaw
- -Lower cervical or upper thoracic spine
- -Left interscapular or suprascapular area
What is the radiation of angina pectoris?
Medial aspect of left arm; left shoulder; jaw; occasionally right arm
What is the duration of angina pectoris?
0.5-30 minutes (unstable angina typically lasts 10-20 minutes)
What are the precipitating factors of angina pectoris?
- Relationship to exercise
- Effort that involves use of arms above head
- Cold environment
- Walking against the wind
- Walking after large meal
- Emotional factors- Fright, anger
- Coitus
Is there nitroglucerin relief with angina pectoris?
Relief of pain occurring within 45 sec. to 5 min. of taking NTG