ISCEs - Neurology Flashcards
what is the main purpose of a neurological exam
localise where in the nervous system the problem is e.g. is it an upper motor neurone (brain/spinal cord) or lower motor neurone (nerve roots, peripheral nerve, NMJ, muscle)
what does pronator drift indicate?
UMN lesion
what are the abnormalities of tone you are assessing for in the upper limb?
spasticity, rigidity, cog-wheeling, hypotonia
what is spasticity vs rigidity?
both increased tone
spasticity: associated with pyramidal tract lesions e.g. stroke
velocity dependant, faster you move the limb the worse it is
typically increased tone in the initial part of the movement which suddenly reduces past a certain point (clasp knife spasticity)
rigidity: associated with extrapyramidal tract lesions e.g. Parkinson’s
velocity independent
e.g. cogwheel, lead pipe
what myotome is being assessed in shoulder abduction
C5 (axillary nerve)
myotome being assessed in shoulder adduction
c6/7 (thoracodorsal)
myotome in elbow flexion
c5/6 (musculocutaneous and radial nerve)
myotome in elbow extension
c7 (radial nerve)
myotome in wrist extension
c6 (radial nerve)
myotome in wrist flexion
c6/7 (median nerve)
myotome for finger extension
c7 (radial nerve)
myotome for finger abduction
T1 (ulnar nerve)
myotome for thumb abduction
t1 (median nerve)
patterns of muscle weakness in motor neurone lesion
UMN = upper limb extensors & lower limb flexors
LMN = only muscles directly innervated by damaged neurones affected
MRC muscle power assessment scale
0 = no contraction
1 = flicker/trace of contraction
2 = active movement, with gravity eliminated
3 = active movement against gravity
4 = active movement against gravity and resistance
5 = normal power against gravity and full resistance
what myotome is biceps reflex testing
myotome for bracioradialis reflex
myotome for bracioradialis reflex
myotome for triceps reflex
dermatomes to test for upper limbs
c4 = clavicle
c5 = lateral aspect of the lower edge of the deltoid muscle
c6 = palmar side of thumb
c7 = palmar side of middle finger
c8 = palmar side of little finger
T1 = medial side of antecubital fossa
what tracts do light touch sensation involve
dorsal column and spinothalamic
what tract does pin prick (pain) sensation involve
what tract is tested with vibration sensation
dorsal columns
what tract is tested with proprioception
dorsal column
patterns of sensory loss
peripheral neuropathy (diabetes, chronic alcohol excess)
radiculopathy (nerve roots)
spinal cord damage
thalamic lesions e.g. stroke (contralateral side)
myopathies (symmetrical proximal muscle weakness)
significance of finger to nose test
can show dysmetria (lack of co-ordination) and intention tremor = ipsilateral cerebellar pathology
what does dysdiadochokinesia test?
feature of ipsilateral cerebellar pathology
patients with cerebellar ataxia may struggle to carry out this task, movements slow and irregular
what to ask the patient before preceding with the examination
do they have any pain?