ISC Glossary Flashcards
Hiding the complexity of tasks to limit user access to relevant information, enhancing security by controlling access to sensitive data.
Users only get access to what they need to do their job.
Acceptance Criteria
Measurable and specific criteria established by management to objectively evaluate changes to systems or processes.
Application Logs
Logs recording application data, such as user access, executed functions, and errors.
Assessment Procedures
Objectives with assessment objects and methods, such as examination, interviewing, and testing.
Attestation Risk
In an examination or review attest engagement, attestation risk is the risk that the practitioner expresses an inappropriate opinion or conclusion, respectively, when the subject matter information or assertion is materially misstated.
The ability of a business to perform its functions or meet business objectives, including system availability (accessibility of business data and normal IT system operations) and availability of human capital (personnel being ready and able to perform normal operations).
BIA Report
A comprehensive report that assesses risks and potential impacts of disruptions at the department, business unit, or product level to form a company-wide business impact analysis (BIA).
A control system originally designed to govern the creation and distribution of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It ensures the immutability and security of transaction through decentralized validation.
Breach Notification
A requirement added by HITECH to HIPAA, obligating covered entities to notify individuals affected by a data breach within 60 days of discovery.
Buffer Overflow
A type of cyberattack in which attackers overload a program’s temporary storage with more inputs than it is designed to hold.
Business Continuity Plans
Plans focused on keeping the business operational during a disaster, including contingency and mitigation procedures for all business processes, such as relocating facilities, managing human resources, and maintaining customer and supplier relationships.
Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
An assessment process that identifies essential business units, departments, and processes crucial to an entity’s survival and evaluates the impact of failure or disruption on the organization.
Change Advisory Board (CAB)
A formal board responsible for reviewing, approving, and planning for system changes, ensuring separate environments for testing, staging, and production.
Change Management Controls
Measures put in place to minimize risks during the change management process, including policies, standardized change requests, impact assessment, and ongoing monitoring.
Change Management Process
Steps to successfully manage change, from identification and approval to implementation and monitoring.
Change Request
A formal proposal for making changes to a system or process, often submitted for review and approval by a change advisory board.
Cold Site
An off-site location with electrical connections and other physical requirements for data processing but which lacks actual equipment. It requires one to three days to become operational and is the least costly form of off-site location for disaster recovery.
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) List
A nomenclature and dictionary of security-related software flaws. Classification schemes are used to assess the likelihood of exploitation and the impact of vulnerabilities.
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
A system for measuring the relative severity of software flaw vulnerabilities. Classification schemes are used to assess the likelihood of exploitation and the impact of vulnerabilities.
Communication Plan
A plan outlining the process and stakeholders to be notified during incident response.
Community Cloud
A cloud infrastructure shared by multiple organizations for a common interest, such as regulatory compliance or collaboration.