ISC Flashcards
What are the 8 functions of the NIST Privacy Framework Core?
- Identify (ID-P): company’s privacy risks related to data processing activities
- Govern (GV-P): best governance structure for privacy risks related to the company’s data processing activities
- Control (CT-P): best management structure for privacy risks related to data processing activities
- Communicate (CM-P): organization’s dialogue around privacy risks related to data processing acitivities
- Protect (PR-P): safeguards that should be in place around privacy risks related to data processing activities
- Detect (DE): detect data privacy risks and events
- Respond (RS): respond to data privacy events
- Recover (RC): continue business after data privacy events
What are the five categories in the **protect function **of the NIST Privacy Framework Core Functions?
- data protection policies
- processes
- procedures
- identity management, authentication, and access control
- data security, maintenance, and protective technology
What are the three categories in the **control function **of the NIST Privacy Framework Core Functions?
- data processing policies, processes, and procedures
- data processing management
- disassociated processing
What are the four categories in the **identify function **of the NIST Privacy Framework Core Functions?
- inventory and mapping
- business environment
- risk assessment
- data processing ecosystem management
What are the four categories in the **govern function **of the NIST Privacy Framework Core Functions?
- governance policies, process, and procedures
- risk management strategy
- awareness and training
- monitoring review
What are the four Tiers under the NIST CSF?
Tier 1 (partial): when incident management not integrated into organizational processes and is often ad hoc
Tier 2 (risk informed): implementation involves cybersecurity awareness by the rest of the organization but does not involve being securely managed.
Tier 3 (repeatable): implementation involves an organizational risk approach to cybersecurity where it is integrated into planning and regularly communicated among senior leadership.
Tier 4 (adaptive): implementation involves the prioritization of managing cyber risks similar to other forms of organziational risks.
What are the common transaction cycles?
- Revenue and cash collection cycle
- Human Rsources and payroll cycle
- Purchasing and disbursement cycle
- Production and fixed asset cycle
- Treasury cycle (facilitates the movement of capital that is generated and spent in the other cycles so that cash is managed effectively)
What’s an example of an economic event paired to a transaction cycle?
Loan payments for retail locations are made in the treasury cycle. This is used to disburse capital for things like investments, purchases of fixed assets, and other expenses.
What are the computer network devices and their specific roles in facilitating network interconnectivity?
- Routers manage traffic
- Gateways act as intermediaries
- Servers execute commands and provide computing power for other machines on the network
What is the order for developing a business continuity plan for disaster recovery?
- Assess key risks
- Identify mission-critical applications and data
- Develop a plan for handling these applications
- Determine responsibilities for parties involved in disaster recovery
- Test recovery plan
What are the steps for a business impact analysis (BIA)?
1) establish the BIA approach,
2) identify critical resources,
3) define disruption impacts,
4) estimate losses,
5) establish recovery priorities (e.g., determine optimal MTD and MTTR),
6) create the BIA report
7) implement BIA recommendations
What and why is business impact analysis (BIA) critical in establishing an effective business resliency program?
BIA is an analysis that identifies departments, business units, and processes that are critical to a company’s survival and impact if any of those fail.
It ensures a company’s survival in the event of a system failure or disruption.
What is the process of normalization?
1) determine whether the data conforms to the first normal form (1NF), which will make sorting and filtering data easier. Each field must contain only one piece of information and each record in every table must be uniquely identified.
2) Conforming data by requiring all non-key attributes in the table to depend on the entire primary key
3) Ascertaining whether each column in the table describes only the primary key, and establishing that none of the non-key attributes depend on other non-key attributes
What are the three principles for a governance framework
Based on conceptual model, open and flexible, and aligned to major standards.
Why is a business impact analysis (BIA) important?
S2 - M3
A BIA is critical in establishing an effective business resiliency program that ensures a company’s survival in the event of a system failure or disruption.