Isabella Key Quotations Flashcards
‘Fair Isabel…’
‘Fair Isabel, poor simple Isabel!’
‘Lorenzo, a…’
‘Lorenzo, a young palmer in Love’s eye!’
‘They could…’
‘They could not’ x3
‘With every morn their…’
‘With every morn their love grew tenderer, with every eve deeper and tender still;’
‘But her full shape…’
‘But her full shape would all his seeing fill;’
‘from her chamber-window…’
‘from her chamber-window we would catch
Her beauty father than the falcon spies;’
‘A whole long month of…’
‘A whole long month of May in this sad plight
Made their cheeks paler by the break of June:’
‘Tom-morrow’ x2
‘Until sweet Isabella’s…’
‘Until sweet Isabella’s untouched cheek.’
‘Fell sick within…’
‘Fell sick within the rose’s just domain’
‘Fell thin as a young…’
‘Fell thin as a young mother’s, who doth seek
By every lull to cool her infant’s pain:’
‘His heart beat…’
‘His heart beat awfully against his side;’
‘he inwardly did…’
‘he inwardly did pray
For power to speak;’
‘the ruddy tide stifled his voice,…’
‘the ruddy tide stifled his voice, and puls’d resolve away- Fever’d his high conceit of such a bride’
‘Alas! When passion…’
‘Alas! When passion is both meek and wild!’
‘anguished a dreary…’
‘anguished a dreary night of love and misery’
‘lisped tenderly,…’
‘lisped tenderly, “Lorenzo!” - here she ceas’d her timid quest’
‘My soul is…’
‘My soul is to its doom’
‘I cannot live another night,…’
‘I cannot live another night, and not my passion shrive.’
‘his erewhile…’
‘his erewhile timid lips grew bold’
‘Grew, like a lusty…’
‘Grew, like a lusty flower, in June’s caress.’
‘wintry cold’ , ‘summer clime’ , ‘warmth’, ‘dewy’ , ‘caress’ , ‘zephyr’
‘taste the blossoms’ , ‘poesied’ , ‘lips’ , ‘delicious’ , ‘honey’d dart’
‘lusty flower’ , ‘roses’ , ‘fragrance’
‘ditty fair’ , ‘light steps’ , ‘bade the sun farewell’
‘great happiness’
‘Twin roses by…’
‘Twin roses by the zephyr’
‘Unknown of any,…’
‘Unknown of any, free from whispering tale’
‘Were they unhappy then?…’
‘Were they unhappy then? - it cannot be -‘
‘Theseus’ spouse’
‘Too many tears for…’
‘Too many tears for lovers have been shed,’
‘young Lorenzo’
‘Know there is richest…’
‘Know there is richest juice in poison-flowers.’
‘With her two brothers this fair…’
‘With her two brothers this fair lady dwelt, enriched from ancestral merchandise.’
‘And many once proud-quivering…’
‘And many once proud-quivering loins did melt in blood from stinging whip.’
‘for them in death the seal…’
‘for them in death the seal on the cold ice with piteous bark lay full of darts’
‘Why were they…’
‘Why were they proud?’ x5
‘How was it these same…’
‘How was it these same ledger-men could spy Fair Isabella in her downy nest?’
‘Hot Egypt’s pest…
‘Hot Egypt’s pest into their vision covetous and sly!’
‘twas their plan to coax her…’
‘twas their plan to coax her by degrees to some high noble and his olive-trees.’
‘To make the youngster…’
‘To make the youngster for his crime atone;’
‘they resolved in some forest…’
‘they resolved in some forest dim to kill Lorenzo, and there bury him.’
‘Bow’d a fair greeting…’
‘Bow’d a fair greeting to these serpents’ whine’
‘he saw her…’
‘he saw her features bright’
‘I was in pain lest I should miss…’
‘I was in pain lest I should miss to bid thee a good morrow:’
‘the two brothers and…’
‘the two brothers and their murder’d man rode past fair Florence’
‘Sick and wan the brothers’…’
‘Sick and wan the brothers’ faces in the ford did seem’
‘Lorenzo’s flush…’
‘Lorenzo’s flush with love’
‘into a forest quiet…’
‘into a forest quiet for the slaughter’
‘There was Lorenzo slain…’
‘There was Lorenzo slain and buried in’
‘each richer by his…’
‘each richer by his being a murderer’
‘Poor Girl! put on…’
‘Poor Girl! put on thy stifling widow’s weed’
‘O misery!’
‘But Selfishness,…’
‘But Selfishness, Love’s cousin’
‘sweet Isabel by gradual…’
‘sweet Isabel by gradual decay from beauty fell’
‘its eyes, though wild,…’
‘its eyes, though wild, were still all dewy bright with love’
‘Upon the skirts of human…’
‘Upon the skirts of human-nature dwelling Alone’
‘that paleness warms…’
‘that paleness warms my grave’
‘thy paleness…’
‘thy paleness makes me glad’
‘sad Isabella’
‘I thought the worst…’
‘I thought the worst was simple misery’
‘her heart felt pity to the…’
‘her heart felt pity to the core at sight of such a dismal labouring’
‘kernel of…’
‘kernel of the grave’
‘cut away no formless monster’s…’
‘cut away no formless monster’s head, but one, whose gentleness did well accord with death, as life.’
‘Pale Isabella…’
‘Pale Isabella kiss’d it’
‘she calm’d its wild…’
‘she calm’d its wild hair with a golden comb’
‘still she kiss’d…’
‘still she kiss’d, and wept’
‘o’er it set Sweet Basil…’
‘o’er it set Sweet Basil, which her tears kept ever wet.’
‘in peace hung over…’
‘in peace hung over her sweet Basil evermore’
‘so she ever fed it with thin…’
‘so she ever fed it with thin tears, whence thick, and green, and beautiful it grew.’
‘the thing was vile with green and….’
‘the thing was vile with green and livid spot, and yet they knew it was Lorenzo’s face.’
‘Away they went, with blood…’
‘Away they went, with blood upon their heads, to banishment.’
‘For Isabel, sweet Isabel, will die; will die…’
‘For Isabel, sweet Isabel, will die; will die a death too lone and incomplete, now they have ta’en away her Basil sweet.’
‘and so she pined, and…’
‘and so she pined, and so she did forlorn, imploring for her Basil to the last.’
‘a sad ditty…’
‘a sad ditty of this story born’
‘“O cruelty, to steal…’
‘“O cruelty, to steal my Basil-pot away from me!’